(no subject)

Nov 20, 2008 23:37


have updated my Vancouver pic span location hunts to now include pics from the episodes too. huzzah!... eventually they will also contain maps on how to get to the locations!

then it will be a fully functional location guide. wheeeeeeeee!

ok, i think i'm gonna go to bed now, and do the last few days report tomorrow... if i stop watching Dark Angel S2 long enough to do it...

heheheh little Jensen... he so young hehehe! and snarky... i like. he's like a younger version of Dean Winchester....

see, now the difference between Jensen's previous roles i've seen to Jared's few i've seen, is... i actually like them...

with Jared, i had to force myself to watch New York Minuite, and i am not even considering watching House of Wax... i just cant do it!, and with Gilmore Girls, i was shouting at the TV calling Rory and Dean idiots, and telling them what i thought they should do, and getting anoyed that they were so STUPID!!!!! gah.... but i still watched 5 seasons... (it was kinda addictive.. ) and me and erin squeeked every time his name popped up in the opening credits... heheh good times!

But with Jensen... the stuff i've seen i've really enjoyed, and they were good charachters... well Still Life was a bit weird and i prob would need to see more than the pilot episode... but i wasnt annoyed with his character..
Devour was a bit weird, but mindlesly enjoyable!..and ok so he was prob evil... maybe... or just really disturbed!
Priestly in Ten Inch Hero... FANTASTIC!!!! really loved the character...the hair, the shirts, the kilt...hehehe. (well apart from the end.... i still think he should have kept the hair!)
And now watching Dark Angel... Alec is awesome, he is a smart alec, and very lovable... havent had any shouting at the TV like i did when watching Gilmore Girls...
ok so i havent brought myself to watching Days of our lives or Dawsons creek, but i will see My Bloody Valentine at the pics just cos he's in it... strange.... i dont normally go out of my way to see horror films... but i'm seriously wanting to see it!

but the point is Jared is still by a small margin my fave. i cant help it, but Jensen he's awesome too... so in summing up

both Dean and Sam are fantastic. i Love Sammy to bits, even when he's shagging Ruby! hehehe! ... side note... yeah, i'm starting to like this Ruby more now.  so yea... loving Season 4 of Supernatural. Love Sam, Love Dean. Kripke ROCKS!!!!!!!! and it doesnt really matter what they did before Supernatural i still think they are FANTASTIC!

Love them both!

so yeah... um random babble over.

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