Niagra Falls

Oct 05, 2007 02:02

Well Today me and Beka went to Niagra Falls!


Outside the hostel we are staying in there is a colony of black squirrils! they are soooooo cute!!!

so going outside to get the bus the weee beisties were on the lawn scrying for food!

we went on a tour, our tour guide was called Louie and we all got given badges so that we wouldnt get lost.

the first stp of the day was the Winery. and we had a wine tasting! mmm wine! 

we stoped at a really cool view point 

then on to the Wirlpool rapids! dude i wouldnt like to canoe down that stream!!!

Found some cool Tepee's and Totem poles!

then onwards to the Maid of the Mist boat tour! and Niagra Falls! 

had a walk along the Canadian side and took a few pics!!!


then we went back to toronto and it was still foggy there!!!

canada, niagra falls, toronto

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