Glasgow Collectormania (a Ianto and 8th Squeee fest)

Aug 25, 2007 23:42

hehehehe! i so hyper!

woke up at 5am! left house at 5.30. downed a mug of coffee first... heheh hyper at 5.30 am! oh dear
me Vicky, 
cs_whitewolf  and 
joulez217   and i pass their Ianto Coffee club t-shirts over, (save the welshman save the world)

we go in and get our tickets for the drwho/torchwood talk, buffy talk, adn the PAul McGann talk, (amidst more squeeing)
and get photoshoot tickets for Paul and Gareth! YEAH!

then we finds out that Gareth missed his flight and is on the train from Cardiff (bless) due to arrive at 2pm!

so we go off in search for Paul to stalk! (yeha)

we gets to him and i give him a lovley pack of Jelly babies

and he regailes us with tales of how ppl used to throw them at the Beatles as John once mentioned he liked then! then i asked if we could get a pic of him with my Captain Jack figure, yea!

and then i got a pic with him too, even thou i had i photoshoot ticket with him too! 

then we all deciede to go off, cool down and sit in the food court for a bit, and i am introduced properly to the Ianto Bears, hehe

and then madness ensues!!!! THIS IS NOT MY FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jack starts wispering things in Ianto Bear's ear, and if i showed you what happend next i'd proberbly be arrested!!! 

and so moving on... 
we then go back in for the Drwho/ torchwood talk, which is now just Nick Briggs the voice of the Daleks, (amoung other things)
he had a little box which he kept playing with and randmly spoke in the Dalek voice! he is really very funny!

Then was the Buffy talk, and since Andy Hallet had a little passport trouble he had had to cancel, so it was just Anthony Head in the Buffy Talk, i tried to get him to sing but he declined, (oh well)

i then had the bright idea to get as many of the celebs as possible posing with my Capt Jack.  i think i did quite well!
Devon Murray ( Seamus Finnigan in the Potter films)

the dude in Alien vrs Preditor

Nick Brigs voice of the daleks

a Clockwork man

Someone who worked for the BBC webpages (couldnt get any info on the new series of Torchwood thou) wasnt for lack of trying hehehe

A Rose lookalike

The 4th Doctor

and Tony Head (Giles in Buffy and Demon Headmaster in School Reunion S2 DW)

and i got pic with Tony! and when i was speaking to him and asked if i could have a pic with him and Jack he said, OMG John Barrowman, i've seen WAY too much of that man! and started sniggering, and one of the collectormainia ppeps said, i'm sure everyone has seen a little to much of him, as he does keep flashing as many ppl as he can!

and Tony started giggling again! 
and then i asked him if he had "aquired any if the props" from Buffy, and he said he had nicked the banasister from the library and his Giles Head Librarian sign from his door, and lots of other stuff!!! hehehe

then it was time for Paul McGann's talk, the dude who was hosting the talks wanted to talk about Withnail and I, but paul had other ideas, and wanted to talk about Dr Who! yeah
he told us about meeting David Tennant, about 6 months before tennant was annouced to have the part of 10, and David (apparently) TOTALLY fanboyed him and didnt say anything to Paul when they were introduced and, then paul asked the dude who introduced them adn said why didnt he say anything to me??? and the guy said, DUDE ya DR WHO!!!!!!!!!! as if it explained everything, which since david is a big fan, did explain EVERYTHING!!!! david is a fanboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SWEET!!!!!!!

and  i asked him what props had he "aquired" from stuff he'd been in, and he said, jackets, tops, cloaths, etc.. then he went on to say (jokingly i think....) that everything he was wearing today was nicked from movies he'd been in! hehehe

after the talk it was time for his photoshoot *squeeeeeee*
he is sooooo huggable, YEAH! 

then we had the 8/Ianto idea and had to have Paul with Ianto Bear! so so Cute!!!!!!!

we then met up with 
killer_queen87  , more squeeee ing occured, as we were lingering around the signing place waiting for Gareth,
News then filtered thru that not only was Gareth on the train, but the train was now running late and he would be arriving about 3.30!!!! and would go strait to the photoshoot, since we had done quite a bit of stalking we decided to que up at the photochoot place and managed to get first in the que!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!

when we were waiting in the que getting hyper-er and hyper-er there was a lovley black curtain behind us and we kept peiring thru it to catch a glipse of Gareth to see if he had turned up, and YEA he had, mucho squeeing occured (again)

and i was the FIRST fangirl in the que, i was sooooo hyper, and OMG Gareth is sooooooo sweet, and i had pic with him, *SQUEEEEEEE* and arm round him, i fit nicely under his armpit, and so did CS_whitewolf, we had lots of squeeing over that!

then we realised that there was a fantastic location up above the photoshoot where we could get some sneeky paparatzie shots..

and then it was time to go talk to the lad, and get autograps and ask him some random fangirl questions... heheh...

first i chose the pic he was gonna sign for me, the one with Ianto with a gun, and i said, i like this pic, as its just before you shoot Owen, at that he grined (oh so cute)  and asked my name, 

then i gave Gareth a T-shirt i had made for him, King Ianto's Coffee Club, with the Don' Mess Wiv Teaboy picture on the back, and he loved it! yea! he said he liked the caption! YEA!!!!!!!!!!! 
then onto the fangirl questions - here i go...

1 - Stopwatch - will we see more of it??? answer  - yes it makes a return there will be more of it...
2 - will there be more Jack and Ianto "interactions"  - answer - yes and we wont be dissapointed with it... (he knew we were Janto shippers cos i asked about the stopwatch first)
3 - Or was Ianto angry with Jack cos he went after the Doctor without leaving a note, answer - the whole team was angry, 
4 - i then asked how long Jack had been away, and how far apart the end of season 1 and when Jack returned was, but he grinned and said it was classifyd and coudnt tell us, AWWW shucks!!!
5- Please can i have a pic of you holding Captain Jack - answer - yeah, oh John would love this! (by that reply is he gonna tell JB that he met a fangirl who made him have his pic taken with JB's mini me?? oh i hope so!

and i got another pic with him as he is sooooooo lovely!!!!!!

and now, here's where it turns into a Gareth Picspam!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!

and he really enjoyed meeting Ianto Bears he had a grin on his face the entire time we were talking to him, 
he is such a fantastic lovely guy!!!!!!!!!!!

then his que died down a bit and we loitered around and i asked him if it would be possible to have a picture with Him and Paul in it, and he said, "Yeah if its ok with Paul"


and when we had taken pics of them both Gareth turned to Paul and said, "Oh by the way i'm Gareth" and giggled. SQUEEEEEEEE!

i was the person who made Gareth and Paul say hi to each other!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG how mint is that!!!!!!!!!!

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and that pic is now my new wallpaper! huzzah!!!!!

then we had a Group Photo, Gareth and the Coffee Club! 
and i told him we were his unofficial fan club, and someone then said, but you have t-shirts, so i then said, ok, we are your official fan club!

so this is us lot - the King Ianto's Coffee Club from left to Right

absdax    Gareth David-Lloyd 
cs_whitewolf  _princess_han_
killer_queen87  ,

and below in same order but obviously without Gareth

we then went to see if the photo shoot pics were pritned for us and they were *SQUEEEEEEE* and since i got two i thought ooooooh lets get one signed!!!!!!!!!!

so we go back to Gareth for a 3rd and final time, and i say, " i'm not stalking you, honest!" and he giggles and then i ask if he could sign the pic of me and him, and he was "  "  that close to remembering my name, he was in the middle of remembering when i told him, and he went AWWW i nearly remembered, and i asked if his memory was as good as Ianto's and he said No, Ianto knows everything in the archives off by heart!!! (bless)
then a sudden thought occours to me and i asked him if he thought Ianto would make a good companion for the Doctor, and he said, Yeah i think he would make an excellent one, *squeee* but he didnt think it was likley gonna happen but would be fun if it did, i then suggested Ianto could be 8's companion, before the Battle of Canary Worf, and he said he would suggest it to the writers, 
i then got massivley excited and then i HIGH FIVED Gareth!!!!!!!! (YEA major SQUEEEEEE) and he acted as if high fiving was an every day occurance, hehehe it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

then we all went our seperate ways and went home, all high on red bull / irn bru / cola / ianto / 8 / hyperactivity!

i was squeeeing all the way home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and now its like 1.36am and i''m still awake and SOOOOOOOO hyoer,

i high fived Ianto!!!!!!!!!!! heheheheh

and all my other pics are on my photobucket here clicky for SQUEEEEEEEEEE

hyper, paul mcgann, collectormania, gareth david-lloyd, glasgow, picspam, ianto

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