more pictures of Harry and Draco

Aug 09, 2007 17:22

me been drawing again, but Draco keeps looking too femanine! i really cant draw faces, so i had a bit of practice, ooops, lookie at pretties -  all hand drawn by be today

this Harry looks dogey and a bit like a Weevil and draco looks girly... adn reminds me of some one but i have no idea who!!!

Yea i think i got harry looking ok,  i think i over did the long hair! but i think it looks a litle like Dan Raddcliff, so thats a step up from before!

Yup still slightly girly, Draco what am i to do with ya!!!!! but i was happy wiv him, i think he looks like he is wearing eye liner, oh well i like a man in eye liner!

close up of Draco -

edit - 18.33
here is another Draco one - i think i got him less girly in this!?!

harry/draco, pictures

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