Hub 3 (friday and Saturday)

Nov 02, 2009 18:06

Ok so finally am gonna try do my version of the Hub.

drove down, picked up Tessa on the way on a fly by visit to Manchester!
Listened to Blue Gilespie on the way down! Mmmmm Gareth!!!!
Also listened to Kane! (MMMM chris Kane!!!!)

got to Hilton! Whoooo! didnt manage to get lost finding it! GO US!

Tess checked in, while i guarded 3 billion bears.... ok 6 Bears, and randomly chatted to ppl.

took all our stuff up to our room, including 3 chocolate cakes that were going to be consumed for Tess' Birthday! nom nom nom!

thanks to Sarah for helping us with all our crap!

Went down to register, no sign of any of the celebs yet.

shiny Splott post card in our reg packs. so far much better organized than the con i went to in may.... (can i say that or is that stiring???)

anyhoo, am well inpressed that there isnt miles long ques for rego! Well done Showmasters!

Pic opps arnt on sale till tomorrrow morning, so that gives us more time to wander and mingle with ppl.

Dealers room opens and we see a TORCHWOOD sign, that the bears needed to be sat next to.

what did i start??? the bears had to wait a bit longer while all the paparatzi took lots a pics.

we mingled for a bit longer then it was time for the opening ceremony.
Ooops Showmasters, where are your guests? they havent arrived yet? hum strange!
ok so that was a little waist of time, but at leasdt we now know how they are going to let us in to the hall each time for the talks.

anyhooooo PARTY tonight! Whoot! tiem for us to get our Hen night tops out as that s the theme for the nights festivities!.

We all have Gwen's Hen t-shirts  with the filthiest Blue Gillespie Lyrics on the back. most of them are different, i think there was about 6 or 7 different designs!

And to save our arms we only took my Jack Bear and Tess' IantoBear down to the party, Jack Bear of course just kept his coat on, but IantoBear decided to wear his wedding fairy wings. (which we couldnt get him to take them off the whole weekend! bless him, he liked them sooooooo much!!!!)

We had an awesome time at the party! and that was where we had our first Gareth spotting moment! i managed to miss the MASSIVE crowd gathering around the bucking sheep at the back of the room, but thats where our Gareth appeared!

cant remember who too this pic! but EEEEEEEEE GARETH ON THE SHEEP!!!!!!!
please if you recognise this pic tell me and i'll be albe to lable it right :-)

HEHEHEEH what is it with welshmen and sheep! LOLZ!!!!!!! looks like he his hanging on for dear life.
i think he said his time was 50 seconds... anyone remember????

epic flail moment! even thou i missed it! DOH!!!!
i was looking after the bears and the bags at that timez suddenly the crowd disperses and ppl start comming back to the dance floor,
with squees of GARETH WAS ON THE SHEEP!!!!!!!!! OMG EPIC FLAIL!!!!

then someone points him out to me! and i'm like EEEEEE! GARETH!!!!!!!!! SIGH!!!!!!

so i go and try call tess who was changin her boots to tell her to get back ASAP, and as am walking out of the hall i run into her, and point Gatreth out to her! *EEEEEEEE*

then as Gareth is walking out, Ros goes up to him and shows him the t-shirts, so we all show him the different lyrics on the back of the shirts, and he's all " oooh they're all different! did you make one for me??? I wants one"

*flail* we met Gareth and he loves the shirts!!! WHOOOT!" go US!!!!! here's some awesome people dressed as awesomeness!!!! you know who you are!!!!

Jack bear and Ianto Bear "Dancing" i think Ianto Had one too many drinks!

the lots of us! ( actually i noticed a few pps are missing! has anyone got a better pic????)

we party on after Gareth has gone, and have a laff, then decide to go to bed some time after midnight!.

So on to Saturday!
Tessa's Birthday! Happy Birthday to Tess! and what a good day it was going to be!
woke up early so we could get brekkie me and tess met Sarah in reception on the way to the free brekkie. and we took all 7 bears to breakfast with us! hehehe good job we had a table for 4 so the bears could have a chair to themselves!
x2 jackbears
x2 ianto bears
x2 gwen bears
x1 cpt John bear!

thats a good collection!!!!!

after a yummy full english brekkie, nom nom nom nom!!!!!
we went to reception to get the photo opp tickets! GARETH!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!
and i askz if we can has a pic with Gareth and all the bears and the lovley lassy on the reception said she would find out for us, but we'd prob has to go in last so as it wasnt disturbing everyone! YEAH!

then it was autograph timez!!!!
we's got auto's of various peeps from Children of earth, whoot! will has to scan em's in laters...
as scanner is still brokenz! OH NOES!!!!

first we met the cute doctor blokie. om nom nom!!! he v-pretty! we likes!

then we mets a laddie called Ben, who played the opertive, he very omm nom nom too! yes! even better lookin with hair!!!!

then the kiddy from Small Worlds and Idiots Lambton (dr who)

and the Priminister Dude

then it was time to meet the man of teh day EEEEEEEEEEE GARETH!!!!!!!!

i was wearing my Save the welshman Save the World t-shirt.
and i asked him if he remembered it from London 2 years ago, he did!
and i said, i was more needed now, as Ianto was sadly dead,


he signed the two pics i had!!!!

Barrowman was gonna sign this one too, but now i'll have to get him to sign it in London next month at Collectormania.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE GARETH!!!!!!!!! LOVES HIM!!!!!!! and his lovley welsh accent! NOM NOM NOM!!!!!!

then we met Ianto's sister, and she loved the bears! YEA! go us!!!!! see she even wrote it on the pic!!!! WHOOOT!"!!!!!!

Tess then realised that we haddnt got tickets for the raffle for Gareth to has a "Intimate Encounter" with him, so she rushed off while i took care of the bears.
phew, tickets for Gareth got, check!

then it was lunch times.

and we just piled all teh bears on the table in one hudge Bear ordgy. or Bordgy as it now known as.

its not my fault that Ianto's pants keep falling down! truly its not my fault!!!!!!!!!!

putting bears ont eh table is a good way to reserve a table for lunchon!!!!yup!

Then after lunch we wandered over to see who had won the Gareth raffell, and OMG i had one of the two winnin raffle numbers! 63! my lucky number! OMG OMG!

nearly hyperventilated and was bouncing up and down for a good 5 mins before i realised that i had to be there in like 3 mins!!!!!!!

when i was trying to find the Surry suit, i saw some one i knew sittin on on of the couches, (cant remember who... SORRY!!!)
so i Flail and squee, and my arms are flailing and i say quite loudly to them, "OMG i just won the Gareth thingy"
and me being me and waving my arms i almost flail in to Gareth who is walking past!!!! who magically seamed to appear when i said Gareth Thingy.
i grin at him and say "Hi Gareth" and he smiles back!!!!

*cringe* OOPS epic flail almost klnocked him out! LUCKLY my flaily arms managed not to touch him! he might have ducked??? not sure as i really hasnt spotted him in my flailing until he was RIGHT infront of me, as in between me and the person i was flailing at!

ooops WAY to start the "intimate Encounter" ooops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so he walks off too, and go off in the other direction... i finally managed to find where am going, luckily am like 2 mins early. phew!!!!

they are serving tea coffee and water, i get some water thinking caffeen would be a REALy BAD idea as i almost knocked him out once already!!!!!

everyone is settled, all 10 of us, and Enter Gareth, who says hi to all, as ever he has got his pint in hand,

He apoligises for being a bit late, and says he coudnt find where it was!... 
I apologise to him for almost knocking him out, to which he replies, "oh please, as if you could knock me out!"

hehehe i love him even more!!!!

we then settle down to asking random questions, about upcoming stuff, and he mentiones being in a Sherlock Holms film, which he said was like a B movie, and one has to watch it tounge in cheek, to which he demonstrated, and that to watch it with a pint or two, and then asked if anyone had seen the poster for it. as it had a t-rex and a fire breathing dragon which looked like a petrodactyl , so he called it a Fire breathing Myfanwy. then he said that Watson (who he was playing ) was rather Ianto like.
So i said " so do you think it could be a pre torchwood thing, hense the t-rex and myfanwy, and that Watson is an ansestor to Ianto?"
and he said " ooh thats a good way to think of it! yeah watch it thinking that!!!"


then someone asked was it strange kissing Barrowman on screen, and Gareth said " Why? cos he's a bender???" and the poor lassy didnt know what to say to that, Gareth starthd laughing and said that it was no different to kissin a girl on screen as its always hard doing sceens like that. but since he is good friends with Barrowman it made it less arcward.

tehn some one said, did you miss not getting to kiss Captain John on torchwood, and Gareth replied that he was missing out this weekend too as James masters was supposed to be here, and he was originally going to kiss him in the skit they were gonna do!
(oh James why did you havta hit ya head?? and not be able to fly????)

i cant remember every thing that was said cos i was still in epic flail mode, 
cos OMG GARETH is sitting 1meter away from me!!!! and whenever i asked questions he would alwys look over to me and make eye contact, he seamd to do that to everyone who was asking questions!!!!!! *SIGH*

then i asked about ways Ianto could come back and said a few of them, saying "what about a clone, or an aulternate reality Ianto, "
then Gareth said " what you mean as me?"
and i said " no i meant the Ianto from petes world, " 
and then Gareth seamed to get an idea and started talking about Ianto coming back as an Evil Ianto from an alternate reality, cos Jack had pissed him off or something, and now wants Ianto to come back as an evil Ianto!!!!..

half way thru the talk, he just got up and said, "going for a slash, tell the guy to give you 1 1/2 mor mins at the end of teh talk"
and he walked out.

we all started to discuss what questions to ask him when he got back, 
then one of the organizes popped thier heads in teh room, and asked where Gareth went, and so we told him, and he said, "oh good, i thought you all might have scared him away!"
we all laughed an said he'd just gone to the bog!.

Gareth came back, yea, and we went on having a chat with him about random stuff!!! was a awesome 45 mins!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone asked what was he thinking when they took this pic

and he replied,. "when do i get to play with the machine guns??????"
then he went in to describing the photo shoot, and said that they had lots of guns to choose from and he chose the BIGGEST machine gun they had, and all thru the shoot with John he was thinking "can i play with the guns yet?????"

and for the pic of him jumping and firing the gun, he just launched himself into the air and landed on the crash mat, he wasnt on a harness or anything, he was just jumping..
he seamed to really enjoy playing with the guns!!!! heheheh!

Someone asked him if he thought it was strange that Ianto 's voice was used as ringtones and message thingys on mobile phones?
and he asked "Which ones? i havnt heard any?"
and she repliyed the " Mobiles landlines, tincans with bits of string, ..."then Gareth joined in with her and finished of the quote!!!! GUH!!!!!!!
and he asked if anyone had it on their phone and could they bluetooth it to him!
i said i had it. and proceeded to blootooth it to him! he said his phone name was v-boring as he haddnt changed it, it was C905 (i think??!?!?)


so now he knows my phone it called Pippin! LOL!

when he recieved the file he immediatly played it and mimed along with it and did teh actions!!!!!


EEEEEEEEEE i sent an MP3 to gareths phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at one point Gareth asked if he would be aloud to swear in the main talks, and then he said " well i could just tell teh kids to fuck off at the start of the talk so i can swear!!!"
then he started giggling and then told soem really rude / crude jokes which got us giggling, which i really cant remember!.
the boy does like to swear!!!

i'm sure there was more stuff mentioned, but i cant remember! cos was too hyper! 
I blame Gareth for being so pretty and so so awesome and welsh then it was times for the afternoon talks.

WHOOOOT!!!!! More Gareth! YEAH!!!!!!
Before Gareth came onto the stage the talk organizer (Paul????) introduced the talks with " If there are any snstitive people in the ordiance, please bne reminded that Torchwood is an adult show and we will be discussing adult concepts and there will be swearing!"
to which Gareth came onto the stage and said "Hello i aloud to say Bloody wanker fuckin cunt???"
or something along those likes! the boy really does like to swear!!!!!!
cant remember what was discussed in the talk, but he mentioned a few things that had been brought up in the Encounter!

at one point someone asked What was Ianto's defining moment, and me not being able to help myself heckled "Shooting Owen"
my voice seams to carry accross a hushed hall full of fans! who'd thunk that!.
Gareth laughed and then replied, but i cant remember what he said, as i was too busy thinking "OMG why did i shout!!! " DOH!!!!

so may i present pretty pics of Gareth!...

Gareth with the ever pressant pint!!!!

GUH SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!

It could be you!!!!!!!!!

Then after the Gareth talk Nicholas, Katy and Ben had their talk, in which we found out that Nicholas keeps playing polititions, Katy likes pink balloons and Ben is REALLY funny!!!!!
and a few other things too!... but my memory is crap!!!

Then there was a talk with everyone (exept Lara, as kid, not a good idea for Torchwood talk with Gareth swearing in it!!!!!)

so everyone came back onto the stage. and Gareth was a little late so they had a balloon to replace him when the others signed the banner and their chairs

Then Ben and Katy had the idea to put a smily face on the balloon, and Rik put it back on Gareth's chair!

then when Gareth came on stage a min later he sat with teh balloon on his knee for a bit!!!!


Gareth and Rik seamed to do most of the talking, and the others butted in when possible!!!!

they seamed to get on REALLY well!!!!


why did they kill the pretty Doctor!!!! and for that matter why did they kill Ianto????


Someone asked a question about pets and what would they name their pets and Rik started talking about breeding guinnie pigs when he was younger, and Gareth started to do actions, with a little  filthy smirk on his face... and Rik never did get to the end of that story as everyone was giggling far too much!!!!!


They are blaming each other for something there!!!!

Gareth with his pint agian, and Rik looking a bit Jelous!!!

so he gives his sister a taste! lucky Katy!!!

and a HUG!!!!!!!!!!

A good time was had by all!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!

then it was Party timez again! and Gareth came on stage to do a skit!, which was originally writted for Barrowman and Masters, and Gareth said he was thinking of doing it all by himself, but he had managed to find a lovley welsh frind to come and help him out,

so massive fangirl flailing and squeeing as Kai Owen appeard on stage! OME UNEXPECTED KAI!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

they then proceeded to do the skit, Gareth pretending to be Barrowman, and Kai being James.
so so funny,
Gareths version of Captain Jack comming back to life was so so Barrowman esk it was unreal!!!!, expesh teh little swirl he did at the end!!!

tehn Kai said, they dont care aboutthis script,
and Gareth was all " They dont?!?!?????" with a sad face 
"all tehy want us to do is snog and flash our bums and they'll be happy! Ianto get me coffee!"
" Its what i do!"
"Kiss me Ianto"

and then they snogged! 

end to a good night! WHEEEEEEEE!

then i will have a seperate post for sunday as this is getting REALLY long!!!!!!!!

PS if anyone wants to point out typos and spelling feel free! i've typed this is hyperness and since my spellcheck is stuck on welsh and i CANT seam to shift it back to english, it doesnt seam to want to check ANY of my spellings, it doesnt even pick up typos!!!
and if anyone wants the MP3 i bluetoothed Gareth
its here Ianto Mobiles -


*flail* i met him !!!! guh!!!, torchwood, pics, autographs, torchwood meet-up, birmingham, meet up, squeee, yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, *flail*, picspam, jackbear, the hub 3, iantobear, totally awesome, ianto/jack, ianto, suqeee!, james masters, i like, pictures, shiny things, hyper, bears, hub 3, squee, i can has his autograph!, omg yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, adventures of captain jack, convention, epic flail, ianto jones, obsessed with torchwood, boys, rhys, torchwood bears, kai owen, omg, gareth david-lloyd, photo ops, flail, captain jackbear

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