OMG its october

Oct 02, 2009 19:09

its october already???? that crept up on me it without anouncing it!

wheee 3 weeks till the Hub! WHoot! sweet lord of the rings!

*happy dance*  yea hub is gonna be fantastic... even thou mr barrowman has cancelled. *le sigh*

but i was really going cos of my obsession with Gareth so we're all good!


love me some Ianto!!!!

just watched 5.04 of supernatural! how hot was Sammy in white! just goes to prove i love my boys slightly evil...

Draco Malfoy, Spike, Angelus, Lex Luthor. Evil!Sammy,

this is prob one of them reasons why am single, not enough supervillans in real life... LOL! um... yeah...
i only seam to like fictional bad guys... real bad guys dont likes at all. Hitler does NOTHING for me. just thought i get that strait! just so you know i'm not completely strange!

oh and PS.
i got swine flu. grrrrrrrrrrr my temp went up to 102 yesterday!!! flippin heck!!!!! (thats 39 in cel) mum made a massive pannic of callin the flu hotline... and me was  Meh got flu. me sleep now, and she was OH NOES!!!!!!! YOU GOT FLU..... and i was like. meh gimme meds i'll be fine.
so nows i got teh tamiflu tablet thingys which i has to tek twice a day.
meh most anoyin thing is the cough... really really itchy !
Pesky flu!!!!

hub 3, ramble, boys, convention, supernatural

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