After being entrenched in the singapore's education system of brainwashing and propagandas, I'm beginning to cogitate about my patriotism towards our government, more precisely the PAP. Especially after reading about the corporatisation of Changi Airport, bringing Temasak to run one of our nation's pride. As i read the papers over a cup of tea at the coffeeshop, I overheard uncles bitching about politics and how singapore should be call the Lee's Empire and not Singapore , and how we are just mere nationals residing in the nation. Corporatisation? Think again. It will still be under same arms but with profit channeling into a different entity. Or perhaps benefits of raising service standards are really part of deal? With this corporatisation I'm looking at rising airport taxes , or mayb prohibition of studying in the airport? ZOMG! No, its like my fav hangout? hahah!
Back to the topic, are we really so highly manipulated by the government? That we obediently abide by all the hikes and still support PAP. zZZ. To think of it again, without PAP will sg still be able to survive and make it thus far? hmmm. I was thinking if the government is merely making use of us people or really do have our interest at heart. I couldnt think of any possible reason why the lee's will wanna fo the former but i can see many many reasons to the latter. Maybe its the 19 years of propagandas that make me stand on the side of the whites. But stll, even if it so i guess my stand will always be with PAP. For they should at least be recognized for the efforts they have made in moulding sg into what we are today? Can the less educated and whiny people of the opp do that? Besides contributing by leading protests and staging their unhappiness towards the gov at hong lim and hence motivating the gov to do more for the nation, i see no other possible benefits they can bring. Though what they have done might be a great deal, they should draw a line a stop there. They have to admit they do not possess adequate knowledge to lead a nation. Looking at issues they often picked on, they know nothing about the statistics and pragamatism behind them but only constant rantings of loopholes of the lawmakers. Am i right to say that? In short, i'mm never be standing on the opposition side because i am grateful for who i am today beacuse of the benefits i get as a singaporean living under the reign of the LEEs, and of course my mother! haha. Maybe this is what those NE messages are for. But i dont care! this is my stand! HAHAHAHA
I cant believe i wrote about this. I was just randomly typing out my thoughts , so is without coherence and its really RANDOM! hahahahI just wanna pen down my thoughts and stand on politics. Though it might not be good. But i just wanna mark down this stage of my life where i am a great supporter of PAP! HHAHAHAHA!
btw, pictures of dife gathering are up on facebook!