#181 BGS on a monday afternoon.

Aug 26, 2008 16:17

 debate ytd was screwed as expected.duh. HAHA. but its alright! since J says its alright! hahaha. some pictures during the lesson, bgs i.e. business government and society. i say its sucks. okay. though i'm in the same class as J. HAHA! seriously i hope no one in smu reads my blog. i swear i'll be dead if there is. HAHA. anyway i'm loving my web cam! HAHA.

taken using debbie;s web cam. and she is my colleague in jco too.

mine, so this shows my we cam sucks.

haha. this is what bgs did to us.

kezia,debbie, me (:

debate group. girls power! 

come one last funny face. i love sum's scary face!

ps: note. J in #179 is diff from J in #180 and #181. confusing? sorry too many Js. HAHAHA
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