Jun 26, 2007 15:06
I'm planning a baby shower in the beginning of August for a friend of mine. She's expecting a girl and is having a co-ed baby shower. Although I've already got a few things in the works, I'd love any suggestions, ideas, games, etc... from all my fabulously creative LJ girls!
Kids will also be present so I'd like to have some activities for them. I'm thinking about buying some bibs and fabric markers so they can each make a bib for the new baby. But other than that, I don't have anything planned. All the info I've found on couple baby showers say to not go too girly with it so that it will be fun and appealing to the boys. I agree. So other than that, I'm open to any and all suggestions!
I think I have favors down. Backstory: The night the little one was conceived, me and W were over at their house watching "Superman Returns." Me and my friend Y decided to make a drinking game out of it to liven up the the evening and because she is a fan of the guy who plays Superman. The rest is history! :) So as favors, I thought it'd be cute to give out bottles of wine to each couple along with the official rules to the "Superman Returns" drinking game. If they aren't into wine, there is some good sparkling pink lemonade at Trader Joes that I could offer. And of course I'd make favor tags for them. It's not too girly or baby-y so I think everyone will get a kick out of it.