I got a hold of a torrent of the six minute prologue of The Dark Knight Rises that was in front of the IMAX showing of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. It is horrendous quality, and I can barely see or understand the characters and what's going on. It wasn't this hard to find a decent version of the five minute prologue from the last Batman; of the Joker robbing that mob bank. For those interested, WB has ripped it down off of any public sites basically as soon as they put it up. But, it is basically the classic intro of the villain much like in the last movie. We get a good look at Bane and what he's capable of. Which is a lot.
In other news, my New Years celebration was basically shot all to hell with a migraine that would have killed your horse. I had a minor one on Friday, and it ran into some sort of gamma radiation accident and sort of morphed into a HULK SMASH headache. Seriously, I've never had one so bad in my entire life. It knocked me flat all day. I couldn't even keep any food down - not even ginger ale, which is supposed to settle your stomach, or so I thought.
So, I slept off and on throughout the day using a heating pad, ice packs and other remedies (except for pain pills because they wouldn't stay down long enough to do anything). Cecily twisted my neck around, Dad came last night and twisted my neck around. I eventually was able to eat some soup at about 11:30 last night.
Basically, New Years Eve consisted of my watching the fifth season of Home Improvement (Cecily got it for me for Christmas.) with a break of watching Serenity in between.
Thankfully though, I am feeling much better, and am basically resting at the moment. No church, unfortunately. But, honestly, worst New Years Ever!
I did get to see Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows on Friday evening. *giggles* Wow, there are no words. I knew it would be fun, but it definitely exceeded my expectations as did the fabulous Robert Downey Jr. The stakes are so, so, so much higher in this than the last one. But, that's a given because we all knew that we would be dealing with Doyle's super villain, Moriarty.
Holmes took on three times as many disguises as he did in the last movie. They were all unique and basically hilarious. When we first see him, he's dressed as an old China man. But once he took off the facial hair and the headpiece, and his real hair went all over the place... Fwaaah, it was a lovely sight.
However there was not a scene in this movie where he and Watson looked decent. They were always beat up, scruffy, dirty, or all three at once. Again, much higher stakes. But, oh, the funny.
I wished I had recorded a lot of it just so I can remember some of the lines that made me die. There were also many visual gags (The horse, ooooh the horse!) as well that made us all keel over laughing. (My whole family went together and we all equally appreciated it.) I only remember a few. Basically, I'll have to see it again.
Ooooh, yes I will.
I just watched the first Holmes basically hoping it would turn into the second one once I put it int he DVD player. No dice. One of these days that will happen. I've tried it with Batman a couple of times, hoping for Rises rather than the other ones. lol I swear, though, I'll get it to work.
Surprisingly enough, I'm thinking about writing something. I haven't quite decided on what yet. I still have some time to think about it as I just turned on Thor. :P