Loved it!

Jun 03, 2011 23:33

The X-Men are back and AWESOME again! Thank heavens for that. This movie may be just enough to help us forget the third movie fiasco. Although I did enjoy Kelsy Grammar as Beast. Still, it was awful. This was not.

I want to hang around James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender... just to watch, you know. I'd just sit there.

"Pay no attention to the fat girl in the corner. Just continue your conversation."

"James, you've got a bit of hair falling over your forehead - yes, that's it, you got it."

"No, Michael! You can't have any of my M&Ms until you finish your chess game with James."

"Don't you look at me like that! I'm not afraid of you!"

"Just you try and take them away from me! I dare you... seriously, try it."

In all seriousness though, I loved this movie. The characters were wonderfully cast, including BACON (which is what Cecily and I call Kevin Bacon) whom I will always cherish and adore forever, and ever amen.

I remember, a while ago, blabbing about people in sci-fi/fantasy movies actually acting like they're using whatever powers their characters possess. *coughcoughhalleberrycoughcough* I give major kudos to these actors. They all did a wonderful job in that regard along with their acting, of course. Especially James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. You could see the strain in them when they were concentrating using their powers. Fassbender especially was truly convincing - turning all red, tears coming to his eyes. I was very impressed. And yes, I was impressed with him in general, as well. Honestly. What crazy person cast him as Rochester in the latest Jane Eyre? Yes, he could play the part. But to answer his question, yes I think him handsome. Yes I do.

Huh. I just got wind that he's cast to play Heathcliff in the next remake of Wuthering Heights. Poor man is in these overdone remakes whenever he puts on a cravat. There has got to be something else for him to do in that get up!

I definitely want to see it again. There were so many stories going on at once, and they all managed to converge on the climax. Loved it! Xavier walking into a room and immediately knowing what was going on. Loved it! Balding references. Loved it! Usage of powers, and powers I hadn't seen before. Loved it! Some of it literally had my jaw dropping. I was sitting next to Sean and we kind of nerd-twitched together. Loved it!

Oh, but don't bother staying to the end of the credits. You'll be greatly disappointed, as we were... because there's nothing there. :P

P.S. vote for Pirates"> :)

x-men, fassbender, movies, review, nerd stuff

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