*ahem* I take the power of THOR and with it, I shall STAMP Laura's Seal of Fan Girl Approval on the forehead of Chris Hemsworth! He is probably one of the only men to have received this very special honor who would be able to remain standing when I tackle him. He'd just stand there, giving me a weird look as I clung onto him, waiting for him to fall over.
James McAvoy? Not a freaking chance, he's sturdy, but his center of gravity is lower...
... Man, that hammer is really heavy. Anyway! Just came back from seeing Thor, which is much more massively epic than I had originally guessed. Kudos to Kenneth Branagh for pulling off such a massively epic movie, crammed with more special effects than the budgets of several of your previous movies combined could handle. I thought him an odd choice to direct a comic book movie. He still is, but he pulled it off quite nicely.
What's even more amazing about this is that I didn't even find Natalie Portman annoying in it. She still annoys me, yes, but she's quite tolerable in this.
Yes, it is on the cheesy side, but it's so fun that I didn't really care. And Chris Hemsworth's smiley, sunshiney face sort of made up for... everything. He was like this massive ray of sunshine in every shot. So very golden, so very large, so very... manly.
I also appreciated
Tom Hiddleston, who is actually blonde, and who I hated hating as the villain, because I already loved him so much. With his natural hair color and lovely smile, his sunshiney-ness beats out even Chris Hemsworth, I'd say. It's shocking. In order to witness that, you have to see him in the series, Cranford. Trust me, it's shocking. But, he was excellent as Loki, with his big, sad eyes, and trembling, angular lips.
Oh, wait! I found a picture from Cranford
See? He's so fabulous in that.
Thor makes it hard not to stare, because it's just filled with such pretty people! I mean, there were people to choose from in this. It was shocking. They even made Anthony Hopkins look pretty. lol
I had other thoughts to convey about this, but everything's slowly leaking out of my brain. It's all mostly in italics anyway, of which I've used quite a bit already. I'll just give you one more picture.