Four days have passed. The dawn of the fifth day is near, and yet this evil that ensnared me at the beginning has grown ever more powerful. Nyquil, my steadfast companion in these times has failed me. I never would have believed it possible. In the face of this failure, there is little hope until this evil, this disease leaves me of its own accord. I question the likelihood of that possibility...
This thing started on Friday and has progressively gotten worse. I had a sore throat and stuffy nose. That got worse through Sunday. Sunday evening, however, I was feeling pretty good. Then I woke up and went to work on Monday. I probably would have been better off if I didn't have a job that requires me to talk on the phone all day long. It made my throat hurt and the coughing started. But I stuck it out yesterday and worked my full shift.
I went to bed at about a quarter to ten last night. I took Alka Seltzer Cold and Nyquil so it would knock me out for - you know - ever. I woke up at about 5:30 this morning to a lovely, painful chest cough and full on congestion. I can no longer breathe, folks. It's really strange. I feel nice and rested, but I also feel like a pile of old crap that's been run over by the crap truck.
After much thought on whether I could afford it or not, I decided that it would be better all around if I didn't talk on the phone today and just rested. This next paycheck will be tight, but I don't have to pay rent with it, so I should be okay. I took some lovely mucus stuff and some more Alka Seltzer. Hopefully I can go back to sleep in a little while.
I've never had a cold that's gotten worse on the fifth day I've had it. I'd like to lodge a complaint with management!
Speaking of complaints to management. How I Met Your Mother last night has me rather peeved. We KNOW the mother is not Zoe! I feel like my time as a fan is just being wasted with this because we know that she is not Ted's future wife, and therefore this thing between them will end eventually. I like her well enough (Although I wish she'd darken her hair again.) but she's not "the one" for Ted. It also was the most predictable outcome ever to have been written. Come on, now. Someone needs to surprise me.
Oh, oh, but Josh Radnor was so very, very sexy. I cannot deny that. Man! I would so date Ted! Lovely brown eyes and touchable hair, AND he's a crazy Star Wars fan.
I'd love to have this weekend as a do over because of this blasted disease. I didn't get to do anything I wanted. I wrote a little bit, but not as much as I would have liked. Sunday was watching the Superbowl ("Did you see that ludicrous display last night?") - HONESTLY! It's like they replaced the Steeler's defense with a bunch of old bitties who get confused easily! Ugh! I am disgusted. - and going over to the parent's house where I played a game with Mom and Sean and we also watched the latest Shyamalama-ding-dong movie, Devil. Sean's wanted me to watch it for a while.
It's actually pretty good. I, for one, do not believe the devil to be so... blatant in his work, but it was a good movie. Very creepy and disconcerting. Oh and
I KNEW IT!! The entire time you're trying to figure out which one of these people trapped in the elevator is actually the devil (because you know it's one of them) and I KNEW it was the obnoxious old lady! Why? Because I deal with obnoxious old ladies on a daily basis. I KNEW that she was the devil. And you know what? She probably owns a Lexus! *twitchy stare*
Apparently this movie is a part of a series that Night is doing called... wait for it... "The Night Chronicles". They're all going to be based on short stories he wrote as a teenager. This one was pretty good, so I'll probably go see the next one.
Okay. I'm going to try to go to sleep again.