I Can't Hold Out Anymore

Jan 11, 2010 12:45

Here's my deal with Robert Downey Jr.:

I never had a lot of respect for the man, and it's pretty obvious why. He lost several years to drugs, and was messed up for a long time. But, he came out of it. He got clean and healthy, and came back into the world, so to speak. For that, I should have a ton of respect for him as I do others who've overcome their addictions. (Craig Ferguson and Glenn Beck for starters.)

But I didn't. I'm not really sure why. For some reason, I had the idea in my head that he was a bit of a jackass. I know, it's completely irrational, and strange, but I'm just taking you through my thought processes about the man.

Then, there came a point that I couldn't avoid him. He got the lead role in what became the biggest Marvel comic book movie of the summer. (Notice, I specified the TYPE of comic book. I will always be yours, Batman.) Of course, if it's a comic book movie, I have to see it. But, as I recall, there were a gazillion excellent movies out that summer and I didn't make it to Iron Man for one reason or another.

It didn't bother me, because I wasn't that enthused about it anyway. For reasons listed above... and Gwennyth Paltrow. Anyway, I eventually saw it when it came out on DVD, and I came to my own conclusions about the superhero himself. (Two words: Chunky. Salsa. And without his suit, he's useless aside from his brilliant and sarcastic banter. At least Bruce Wayne can beat the crap out of you without the Bat Suit on! Good script, though. Awful Bad Guy casting.)

While I was doing that, I was also coming to seperate conclusions regarding Robert Downey Jr. himself, much to my chagrin at the time. Though I wasn't fantastically impressed with IM as most people were that summer, I was very impressed with RDJr. and his unrelenting ability to make me blush and giggle at the same time.

That went away after a while, and I went back to my usual mind set about him. "...? Oh yeah, jackass." lol That mind set was solidified when I heard about the casting in the new Sherlock Holmes movie. They couldn't even get an ENGLISH actor for that? They managed to find one for Watson, but not Holmes?

Not to mention the fact that it turned out looking like an action movie from the trailers. BOOOOO!! Hisssss!

But, do you know what? I don't want an English actor. I want Robert Downey Jr. doing his English accent All. The. Time. I want Robert Downey Jr. to play several of the male characters I've written that I had already cast in my imagination. I want Robert Downey Jr. to banter with me.
*ahem* I want Robert Downey Jr. - always and forever.

Since Iron Man, I've seen interviews with him, and read stuff about him, and I've seen Sherlock Holmes, and even though I still hate myself a little bit, I think I adore the man. He CONSTANTLY makes me blush and giggle, no matter what he's doing, even if it's just in an interview.

I remember a while back, I was watching Extra or Entertainment Tonight or something, and it was the part of the show where they let fans ask questions to their favorite celebrities via video cast or whatever. This guy named Brian, I think, asked Robert Downey Jr. something like, "You've played a large variety of roles. But you've never played a woman. Would you ever be willing to play a woman?"

And RDJr., with the straightest, most expressionless face, said:
"I'd be happy to play a woman, Brian. What kind of woman would you like me to be? *slightly arches eyebrow*"

I laughed for the next five minutes. Blush and giggle, blush and giggle, blush and giggle!

In Sherlock Holmes he did not fail me. And he also managed to be very convincing playing Holmes. I have to give it to him. I loved his Holmes. I loved his large brown eyes, and his constant messy exterior with the stubble, and the hair all over the place, and I LOVED his voice. I loved the crap out of that movie! It might be because we've been Good Movie starved for a while as we usually are during this time of year, but I'd so go see it again. And I don't want to go see Avatar again. Go figure!

The big kicker is that it's a film that Guy Richie directed. What the hell is that about?!

So, no, it's not typical Holmes at all. And if you go in accepting that fact, you'll also enjoy the crap out of the movie. It's really fun, hilarious, and...yep, I have to do it:

*Stamps Robert Downey Jr.'s forehead with Laura's Seal of Fan Girl Approval*
"Welcome aboard my dear. Yes, yes, I know, and it's my fault that it took so long, and I'm sorry for that...
I know that.
But I -
You're not letting me fin -
All right, yes, I'll buy, but we're even after this. No, this is the last time!
Pinkie swear, right now, or we won't go anywhere!
*blushes and giggles*"

love, movies, fan girl approval, funny, guy stuff, rdjr

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