Dear Richard Hammond,
Hm. I simply have to say that I think you are the most adorable, hilarious, well dressed, sexy, British car guy to ever have walked the Earth! Yea verily, even when you're wearing cycling shorts.
I'm being completely serious, Richard. When a segment of Top Gear consists of only James and Jeremy doing something, it's really not the same. It's like they're missing a circut, and had to bypass to compensate.
Forgive the Star Trek reference, but you see what I'm getting at.
I love that you're not ashamed to giggle incessantly, or to curse in long strung out sentences where all we hear as the aundience is one long BEEEEEP! I find it hysterical. Also when you're voice goes all high and squeaky when you're amused by something, or when you're irritated. *giggles*
Though you are slightly out of your mind with recklessness and so forth, I think it's part of your charm right along with your goofiness. Even though you do make me nervous to the point that I'm very sensitive about anything coming in contact with your head. I can only imagine how your wife feels.
But thank you Richard, for being as delightful, delicious, and delovely as you are, while also being a sort of barrier for us against Clarkson at times.
Much Love,
Seriously, look at this adorable man:
I'm kind of irked that I couldn't find a good one of him smiling fully, because he's got the cutest, most dreamy smile. These will have to suffice for now.
I need icons.
Very "Doctor"ish, wouldn't you say? In fact, I saw some pictures of him compared to those of David Tennant. The only real difference between the two of them is, well, Richard is only 5'7". All that thrill seeking has stunted his growth.
And right now he's got his hair pretty long and shaggy, and I want to SHOOT the moron who lightened the color. The length I don't mind, the color is sinful on him.
I have other things to discuss, but that will have to be for a later post. At first, I didn't mean to post pictures, but what are you gonna do?