I feel better today after having been a zombie all weekend basically. Got off work at around 11:40 in the morning on Saturday after I'd gotten caught up with all of my stuff. *looks around* My desk hasn't been this empty in quite a while.
I picked up some lunch for Cec and me and went home where Cecily had me watch Penelope with Christina Ricci and the ever fabulous Port-a-Hottie James McAvoy. It is an ADORABLE fairy tale film! It's really funny and quirky with a style of Pushing Daisies about it. What was amazing was that they managed to make James McAvoy even SEXIER by having him do an American accent. The boy is just absolutely lucious! Oh, and the way they had him done up - straight, shaggy hair, comfortable rumpled clothes - immediately put my character in Warped in my head. He would totally play August Falley if it had the chance of coming to film, which it probably won't. But if it DID that's who would play him, hands down. It was like an epiphany! lol
Really good movie though, I recommend it.
After I finally got up the motivation to get up and take a shower we made our way to the theater about an hour early to get in line for Wolverine. We got inside just in time apparently because the weather outside decided to do a very convincing impersonation of a hurricane passing through the parking lot after we got in. Trees were all blowing to one side as rain lashed up against the big windows in the theater and the lights flickered for a little bit. Everyone in line was thinking the exact same thing I was - if the power goes out during my Hugh goodness, I swear I'll...
But it didn't. :D
Now for X-Men Origins: Wolverine
This is the first film ever that has made me want to write a parody of it in the spirit of
lemonlye's HP and LotR parodies. After the movie was over I kept thinking of funny things I could do with it while picking the movie apart at the same time.
For example:
WRITERS/PRODUCERS/DIRECTOR: "Oh CRAP! We forgot to figure out a reason for Wolverine to lose his memory!
AUDIENCE: "How painfully ironic."
WRITERS/PRODUCERS/DIRECTOR: "Let's see, he's virtually indestructable, has instantaneous regenerative capabilities. So the baseball bat is definitely out... How about a very specifically aimed adamantium bullet? He'll heal but he'll forget everything!"
AUDIENCE: "How painfully LAME!"
MORE PERCEPTIVE AUDIENCE MEMBERS: "The bullet never came out. So if someone goes in there with an adamantium drill bit and takes the adamantium bullet out, would his memory come back?"
Helicopter lands on the island and a man dressed in a very shnazzy suit steps out onto the ground. His voice is heard first and then his face is revealed.
XAVIER: *in CYCLOPS' thoughts* "Hello Scott. I have conveniently shown up a little too late but just in time to bring your sorry lost behinds to my very posh school for the *ahem!* gifted."
CYCLOPS: *in his head* "Wow! That's amazing! And I've somehow suddenly figured out how to communicate back to you through my own measly little mind."
AUDIENCE: "WHAT have they done to your face Patrick?!"
XAVIER: "Very impressive. It took DeAnna forever to figure out how to do that."
CYCLOPS: "Wait. Where'd all the other kids go? Am I thinking to myself again? *out loud* GUYS! I told you that wasn't funny the first ten times you did it!"
XAVIER: "I'm afraid it's my fault, Scott. The children have obviously never encountered a man with digitally applied makeup attempting to make him appear thirty years younger and ten times creepier."
Or something like that.
Maybe I'll bring a note pad with me when I go see it with Becca and jot some stuff down as I watch it again.
But about the movie itself. It is as I expected it to be - way fun, action packed, Hugh in fantasticly well fitting jeans and button down shirts, cheesy comedy, a weak-ish plotline, and enough special effects to make my eyes bleed.
So yeah, I liked it!
There is a list of dumb with this movie, as to be expected but it was really fun. I enjoyed it. :D The story wasn't too bad though there were some dead spots in the film itself where I just wanted things to move forward. The humor was incredibly cheesy but Hugh pulled it off as he always is able to do.
One of the sillier things that I enjoyed immensly was the "Kents" finding Logan in their barn and Mr. "Kent" saying that he had some of his son's old clothes that *might!* fit him. (I'm calling them the Kents because that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw them. lol)
Heh. The next scene Logan's wearing the clothes that "might" fit him and I leaned over to Carrie and whispered. "Wow! Your son's clothes fit him amazingly well! So well in fact that I would like to meet your son because he's probably crazy hot!" LOL
Oh yes, I enjoyed every moment of Hugh in those low riding jeans. Fwwwwwaaaah! And the hair! The hair he had during the shots of the Civil War was just SO FABULOUS! His hair all the way through was pretty fabulous as well. He was naked and shirtless a whole lot in this movie. That'd be a good drinking game once it comes out on DVD. :D
I liked Gambit. I liked how he was played. His entrance was one of the best: "Do I owe you money?" His powers, however, weren't quite what his powers were supposed to be. Kind of reminded me more of Jubilee. And there wasn't enough of him in my humble opinion.
One thing this really did explain was Sabertooth's story. His motivation for joining Magneto is pretty well explained by the end of this film. In fact, his story is better explained than Logan's story. Go figure. Freaking bullet to the head. Come ON people! Seriously, they found an excuse for everything else, even how he came up with his name, Wolverine. And it was not because of those
little forest weasles!
And I LOVE Liev Schriber! His voice and the teeth and his looks were all so deliciously evil. Loved it. And it's even more fun knowing how he and Hugh are such buds.
The effects in this were kind of...odd. There were some shots of the CG claws that looked absolutely awful. The proportions would be off on the claws to Hugh's hands and it looked off. There were also some iffy green screen shots as well. It just surprised me because of the outrageous budget this movie had. But, I don't know. Maybe nobody noticed in post production. *shrugs*
The motivations for the characters didn't seem up to snuff either. Well, there was some motivation for most of what people did but I think the solutions for those motivations were a little silly. "Go find him and KILL HIM!" That was basically it. And whenever Logan wanted to go find someone and kill them he ended up also saving a bunch of people's lives thus having the definition of "super hero" thrust upon him whether he liked it or not.
Victor's motivations were a little weak too. He just wanted to prove that he was stronger...I guess. Maybe. I'll have to watch it again.
That's really what all of this comes down to: I have to watch it again.
But this is what I know: Yeah, there are weaknesses. But it's way fun and entertaining. The ending battle sequence is, in fact, AWESOME, and Hugh + well fitting jeans = Laura in a puddle of geeeew!
Go see it. You'll have fun. :D
There was a Terminator Salvation trailer before it and I have a sneeking suspicion that Carrie likes going to things like this with me and Cecily because she enjoys our commentary for one, and she also is thoroughly amused when I become all "nerd excited". It's much more intense and embarrassing than "regular excited".
I became very nerd excited during the Terminator trailer. Oh it looks so dark and SCARY! I was bouncing up and down in my chair in the theater and it's even worse when I see a trailer at home. I got to my feet last time and started jumping up and down.
That movie is just going to be SO MADE OF AWESOME that my head will explode!
We also saw a Transformers trailer. That looks like fun too. I enjoyed the first movie so I'll probably go and see this one. :D
Okay, enough of that. Onward!
After the movie Cecily and I rushed over to the church for our stake conference at seven. We changed into our skirts at the church. That ended at around nine at night (I managed to stay awake too! *thumbs up*) We then went to the parents' house and played Rock Band with Sean until about 11:30pm. Got home at about midnight after stopping at Taco Bell and then went to bed. I'd been up for nineteen hours on Saturday.
It was so nice to have church in the morning yesterday! I had to get up but not as early as usual. I went, Cecily spoke and it was awesome. :D We got out at around noon and went to Jenny's where Carrie cooked a fantastic lunch for us: roast, mashed potatoes, and yummy salad. If I ever become a famous author I asked if she'd come and cook for me. She said yes if I put her on pay roll.
The reason I think I'm feeling better today is because of the THREE HOUR NAP I took yesterday afternoon when we got home. It was glorious! It was magnificent! I wish I could do it again today. But sadly, I have to clean. I've got to clean today! I've been too exhausted to clean but I think I can do it today.
The weekend was long but I survived. :D