I just made a strange observation. Port-a-Hottie at work doesn't walk like he's a Port-a-Hottie. He walks like he's...well like he's this huge guy, rocking from side to side with each step he takes. He's not even...thick. It's like a chihuahua that happens to think he's the size of a great dane. Kind of amusing, rather.
Well, it looks like the days of going to work and leaving work on time are not upon us yet. With the way things are looking I'll probably have to come in at six tomorrow and stay until four today. *sigh* Yes, it's good pay but you know, sometimes, I'd just rather be at home no matter what I was paid.
I FINALLY made a somewhat satisfactory Damian Lewis desktop. The problem I was having was that the photoshoots I'd found were all vertical shots and my laptop monitor is much more wide than it is long. So I was having trouble designing one that fit my screen and that still looked asthetically pleasing. Seriously, I have a couple rejects still on my harddrive. What I came up with was a really simple tiled design with a few of the images. But I'll still have to tweak it because when I showed it to Cecily she said "It looks like his head is in his crotch."
I noticed it after that. *rolls eyes* I just need to mess with the position of the images. Honestly!
After I finished messing with that I got back into Warped, thank heavens! I was really worried that I'd get scared of it and just keep avoiding it. But I opened it up and started reading and making notes where I left off. I'm nearly to the end and then I shall start the second draft! Muaaaahh!
GeekaChica site is coming along wonderfully!
asatomuraki has been doing a beautiful job!
I wrote a ridiculously long bio for my alter ego, Darth Sweetums, but it is rather funny so I shall post it here:
It's basically about how I can't commit to just one fandom. lol
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
An unusual being was born. She was an odd child and grew up to become an even stranger young woman. The Jedi Order moved to recruit her as a youngling but she was rejected by Master Yoda himself because, despite her great power and thirst for useless knowledge, she proved even then that she could not be tamed.
If trained, she would have become more powerful than any Jedi, but her madness and unwillingness to stay on one path of fandom would would cause chaos in the Force and throughout the entire Galaxy. Some also believe that her rejection was due to the fact that she asked Master Yoda if she could rub his head as well.
Having been rejected, our nameless and unstable rogue fled, running out to the Outer Rim where she was sought out by a dark figure whose name, when said, rebounded off of planets, shook skies, and made the very stars tremble.
Darth Squeamish had sought her out because like her, he had been the most powerful and had been rejected by all. The Jedi were wary of him, the Sith were jealous and angered with him. Darth Squeamish took her and raised her as his own daughter, naming her Darth Sweetums and taught her all that he knew. No one would truly understand her, he always told her, but she would have the superior knowledge of all the Force had to offer because instead of giving herself to just one fandom and rejecting all others, Darth Squeamish taught her how to appreciate multiple fandoms and rejoice in them all.
"If it is well written, my daughter, then you can learn from it and add to your power. That is all you need."
At last Darth Sweetums had found her solace in Darth Squeamish's teachings! It was so until one fateful day, Darth Squeamish had returned to their lair from a trip to the Evil Dry Cleaners of Doom to find Darth Sweetums writing FAN FICTON to their beloved fandoms!
Oh, how he stormed at her! He raged and stomped his feet until his toes nearly broke! But Darth Sweetums only stood, watching until he banished her.
It was on that day that Darth Sweetums understood. She was more powerful than Squeamish and it would always be so. Though she would miss him, she had to move on.
To this day, the legend that is Darth Sweetums roams throughout the galaxy and her beliefs are only this:
Giving yourself to multiple fandoms is dangerous, but there is no other way to live.
On she travels, writing amusing Batman fan fictions, quoting lines from Ghostbusters, finding new ways to ellude the Borg, and of course, learning of the great and powerful Force. You may see her as she goes, but be warned, she may appear kind and only ask you to read the next chapter in her Doctor Who fan fic. But do not cross her with weak, pointless arguments, especially those of Star Trek vs Star Wars. For she will win and grind you into the dirt with her collapsable lightsaber while preparing your way to Stovacore!
It kind of makes me want to write Darth Sweetums and Darth Squeamish fan fiction. I've never done any Star Wars humor before, which should be surprising.
Now, what the writers of Castle need to figure out is how to be ORIGINAL and less CHEESY! Honestly there was a lot of eye rolling from Cecily and me last night during that confusing and not so well thought out episode. So far in a few of these mysteries they've had to figure out the killer doesn't seem to have enough motivation to do what he does. Maybe I'm just lazy but it does appear that way.
And that "Writer" vest was just too much for my brain. I kind of shorted out after that point.
I still love you Nathan!