Feb 16, 2009 09:32
There was too much light coming through my window this morning as I rolled over and opened my eyes. My room wasn't dark enough for it to be the right time.
I looked at the clock and it read 7:10am. Was supposed to be at work ten minutes ago.
I hate that. GAH! It totally harshes my mellow and throws off my day when I oversleep.
After I wrestled my way out of bed I ran out of my room into the hallway, ran back into my room, then back out again as I turned around and flailed my arms. It was one of those situations where you're in a panic and you know what you have to do but you just don't quite know where to start or how to do anything.
So I got to work about fifty minutes late and I'm contemplating whether or not I'll be staying longer to make up the time because today is President's Day and Nike is not working but we are. That means that I have stuff to do for this morning but that is ALL I will have all day long because Nike isn't anywhere doing anything new.
I'm not sure if I could stand staying an extra hour to do nothing. *twitch* I'll have to think about it. Maybe I'll stay a half hour today and maybe twenty minutes tomorrow or something. That might work.
I wrote just over a thousand words yesterday on the Samantha story. I know what my problem is with it. It's this beginning. It's the first quarter of the story that's driving me bonkers BECAUSE I've worked on it the most out of any other part. It was the first part I wrote because it's the beginning and has therefore, been beaten on the most.
So, what I need to do is just wade my way through it as best as I can so I can get to the other parts that need attention but haven't been looked at in a long while. I have new scenes to replace old, lame ones that I want to put in and such 'n such.
I can get through it. I'm close to getting to the end of that part anyway. I'll just be whining about it for the next week or so. But I can do it! *rubs hands together*
I think I may start putting more together on my shapeshifting alien story as well. There's still a lot to be planned out with that. It'll be fun. :D
Not much else to report as I posted about my weekend yesterday. So, happy Monday everyone. If you are off work today, I envy you, if you're not, I sympathize.