Feb 15, 2009 18:38
Mom's birthday was fun. Cecily and I went over to the parents' house to celebrate, which we did. We talked for a while, had dinner, she opened her presents, and we played some games until really late actually.
When we play games in the evening and into the night we tend to get a little tipsy and...loud. We don't drink or anything, we just go nuts. I wish I had worn Depends or something because I pee-peed a little bit during that whole thing because I was laughing so hard. That kind of stuff with my family is just awesome and I am SO thankful that because of them, laughing and finding humor in things are things that I didn't have to learn.
I slept in so late on Saturday. Seriously, it was late. It was like a quarter to two in the afternoon. I don't do that unless I'm sick! I woke up and checked my clock. It was blank because Cecily had unplugged it while trying to retreive Strider from my bedroom earlier that morning. I looked at my watch and I thought it was lying to me so I went into the living room to check the clock in there. All the clocks were conspiring against me it seemed.
Becca had asked me out on Valentine's Day through Facebook last week. She was going to come over and we were going to watch some action movies while stuffing ourselves silly. That's the proper way to celebrate I think.
Even though I'd gotten up so late I was able to get everything ready for her to come over. Gary and Sean came over as well because they had some movies that I didn't and they also had nothing else better to do.
We ended up watching The Incredible Hulk which happens to have that love story in it anyway but is still AWESOME! I love that movie. Yea verily, better than Iron Man.
We watched that while eating pizza and munchies. Gary and Sean left a little after that and Becca picked out another movie to watch To Catch a Theif with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly.
Good movie too! I just can't stand how TAN Cary Grant is in that flick! UGH! It looks so gross and unnatural. Blegh! It looked like someone scooped up Nutella with a trowel and smeared it all over his head until he was fully covered.
But I love that movie. The script is fun and it's Hitchcock so...there you go.
Before Gary and Sean came over though Becca and I were a yacking about this and that as we normally do. We catch up with what's going on with each other and our families. But then I forced her to watch about an hour and a half of Man vs. Wild. lol There happened to be a marathon going on yesterday for some reason.
Bear reminded her of Christian Bale actually with the way he sounded and how he looked when he spoke. It's true. I've been reminded of him too sometimes but Bear just seems so different personality wise, I don't really notice it much.
Becca's got this thing about bugs - any kind of bug, it doesn't matter if it's a fly or a scorpion. She just screams and runs away. When we were in Stratford in England she and I were sharing a room and a moth about a couple inches wide in wingspan had flown in the window and landed on the ceiling above Becca's bed. I noticed it first and didn't say anything, hoping that she wouldn't notice because I knew what would happen. lol
She noticed. I came into the room to see her staring at me and pointing up at the ceiling.
"It's just a moth," I said.
"Okay," she said nervously, still eyeing it. "It won't do anything. I'll be fine with it up there..."
"I'll get it down," I said finally. "Give me that tea cup..."
That's why for her, watching Bear is a big deal as the man tends to eat bugs, and grubs, and...you know, snakes. LOL But he's adorable and hilarious.
We talked more after movie #2 had ended and she didn't end up feeling like she had to go home until 1:30am or something like that. It was fun! I haven't seen her in...seems like months really.
Went to church today and I didn't have to play the piano (Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!) even though I practiced during Sunday school. No biggie. I'm glad to have more practice time. I'm still a little cranky because of my woman stuff and practicing the piano lately has been crazy torture because I've hated it more than usual and I get even more pissed when I continually screw up.
Yeah, there's cursing and stuff. It's not fun. So I'm glad I didn't have to play.
Right now it's rather quiet. Cecily is lying down because she woke up feeling yucky this morning.
So, I'm going to have some pizza and root beer (left over from last night) and I'm going to write a little. I am newly motivated from Friday's depressing post! We shall see how long it lasts.
This has been your weekend update of Laura's life! Now back to your regularly scheduled program...
bear grylls,
valentines day