Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!

Nov 23, 2008 11:06

I had a frightening dream last night (no, it had nothing to do with vampires). I thought it was Monday and I had overslept like crazy and woke up at around 2:30pm. LOL Once I realized what had happened I just went nuts and then I really woke up, remembered it was Sunday and rolled my eyes at myself before I dozed off again.
I don't ever sleep that late unless I'm sick anyway.

As for vampire dreams in general I refuse to have any unless Carlisle (Peter Facinelli) is involved. Crap on a cracker that just impossible. Impossible I tell you!

It's gotten to the point that I'm just sitting there doing my thing and random thoughts and images from the film come through my head and are they of Edward? Heh, nope. But I'm shocked all to hell all over again. LOL Seriously, it was SHOCKING!
I swear though, right now, and you all *points randomly at flist* are my witnesses: If one of my novels EVER is even considered of being made into a film *guffaw* Peter Facinelli has to be in it. I don't care if I have to write a new part for him in the last minute. LOL It's just necessary, that's all there is to it!

So I am going to be good and go to choir practice today before church. I went up and promised Aaron, the choir director, so I would have more of a guarantee that I would go because I promised someone other than myself. lol

Oh right! As for Iron Man last night:
Robert Downey Jr. is rather delightful, isn't he? I think the best scenes were between him and Gweynyth Paltrow because they would just talk over each other back and forth and still manage to get their points across. Adorable!

But, being a science fiction fan I cannot but pick at the physics part of things. I'm sorry but he would have been chunky salsa in that suit if he'd fallen from that height and hit the ground. lol

Yes, I did like the film. The villain played by Jeff Bridges was rather um...lame. There's no other word really. He looked stupid in the Evil Suit of Doom. I think it was because it was just him too. He didn't seem to fit with his slow talking drawl and all of that.
Don't get me wrong, I usually like Jeff Bridges in the things I've seen him in. He just didn't fit in this. I think that's where The Hulk was better than this one.

But yeah, good comic book film. :D

Now, I need to write before I have to get ready. I've passed the 35k mark but I'll need more by the end of today.

dream, review, guy stuff, photo, movie, rdjr

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