Well I made it to work at least. I'm here. I just hope I have enough gas left to make it home. I've never run my car out and it isn't quite chic enough to have one of those digital fuel gauge thingys. So I don't know how far below the red line I can go before I get stranded on a highway somewhere.
One thing I'm certain of is I'm totally going to Safeway after work and writing them a check for copious amounts of junk food as my hormones demand. I get paid tomorrow so no harm, no foul.
Honestly, I'm going nuts. Last night I started going a little bit off the deep end because the thought of making another sandwich for my lunch today was so repugnant that I couldn't stand it.
I have a salad today.
And I think Cecily's getting more Foyle's War. So, Foyle, Top Model, and a plethera of chocolate - I should be good this evening. :D
So...House was indeed a rerun last night? I hadn't seen it and I thought it was one of those back in time episodes or something but I checked the FOX website and the latest episode for the 5th season is still the sick painter one from last week. I guess it was a rerun.
It was nice though, Wilson before all the whiny angst. And Hugh Laurie was just over the top sexy in that last scene with Cuddy when they were watching the documentary where it was edited just so House looked like a nice and caring person. LOL I loved that!
Speaking of House, look at the cute
TV Guide Cover for next week! LOL
See? There it is again though. Robert Sean Leonnard just looks like he needs a deep tissue massage all the time. He's always so squinty and...twitchy looking.
Terminator has not disappointed me yet! I think I know part of the reason for that too. It's because that the audience is not trying to keep track of half a million characters and their plotlines! *glares at Heroes* Why they added MORE people, I'll never understand.
Terminator has added a couple more people as well this season but it's okay because that ups the main cast to about...five or six and they're not all wandering around their seperate ways. They interact with each other, which is just, you know, *flaps hands in the air* a whole new thing for television, isn't it? *rolls eyes*
See? I really am hormonal.
I really enjoyed this week's episode, "Goodbye" because they brought back an intriguing aspect from the original film. When the Terminator first came back in time he looked up all of the Sarah Connors in the area and just started picking them off one by one. That's how they work. They're efficient and thorough.
I loved that they brought that back and that Sarah was determined to not have that happen again which is why they went after that little boy with the same name (I can't remember the name even though they said it a gazillion times in the episode.) of John Connor's right hand man. (He was a cutie too!)
And the blending in of the story of The Wizard of OZ with the ending of the episode. That was some great and imaginitive writing! That Triple 8 was damned scary too!
I'm excited to find out the motivations behind the T-1000 and what she plans to do. I also hope she doesn't kill Agent Ellison because I REALLY like him! His character is just intriguing and you feel like you want to chat with the man for hours on end.
She'll probably end up trying to kill him at any rate.
The only thing that bugs me from time to time is Derek Reese. Brian Austin Green is a big intimidating guy so he should be convincing in the role he's playing. I just don't buy his tough, been-through-hell-and-back, bad assness. I'm not sure what it is but I just have a hard time accepting him as playing that type of character. I'm not sure if it's him, the script, or the character but it's something.
Ugh! One thing that drives me NUTS about this company (besides all the damned awful meetings held every week) is that there's this idea here that you should be accountable for your mistakes. Fine. I understand and accept that. If I make a boo-boo I should know about it and someone from management should talk to me about it if they don't want it repeated. But that's not how it's done here.
Anyone from any department can write you up for a mistake and it counts against your department for the month while also making you feel like a big pile of stupid, stinky poo.
I just made a boo-boo and it was brought to my attention this morning. I put the wrong courier on an order. Easily fixed. But we got written up for it by our beloved shipping guy who is our equal employee. He probably gets paid more than I do but I talk to him, I work with him on a daily basis and in no way does he have any authority over me! It just doesn't seem right that your coworkers have the right to point out your mistakes.
I should write him up for being an ass!
See? Those last two paragraphs may also have been hormones. I'm not too sure.
As for the debate last night. I think that our day to vote should be pushed up a little. The candidates are getting fantastically redundant. They're both just driving me nuts.
I watched about the first half hour of the debate then I couldn't handle anymore and called Becca to whine with the debate still playing as background noise. lol Honestly, the questions asked weren't answered very well if they were answered at all by either candidate as they veered off and spoke about what they wanted to speak about in the first place. And it was just about the same stuff we've already heard from the VPs last week and the first debate the week before.
I don't know if I can stand another four weeks of this.
It's all getting down and dirty and painfully unecessary now. People are getting more petty by the day. Craig is absolutely right on that count, mud slinging and name calling and "bitch please"ing should be beneath any intelligent person no matter what they're trying to do. It's very junior high school.
Both candidates don't have perfect records...so should we get rid of them then? They're human beings. Human beings make choices and sometimes those are the wrong choices.
Mike Rowe made me feel better last night though...that sounds kind of naughty. LOL Seriously though he was helping maintain an old sailing ship and it was like watching Craig! Honestly! Every name on a ship like that has some sort of rude connotation and Mike would grin and point it out at times. At other times I would just look at the expression on his face and start giggling because I knew exactly what he was thinking.
He was rather perverted last night. It was odd, yet amusing.
Okay, I think I'm done. I'll probably remember more I wanted to babble on about later.