Running away, just in general, sounds pretty good right about now. Baby was released from the hospital Friday evening and then readmitted Saturday morning because he had a high temperature. This basically means more babysitting for myself, my mother, and my sister this week until the baby comes back home. Flinging myself off of the deck at the back of the house sounds extremely appealing right now. *headdesk* Mom's still tired, I'm still tired and Cecily's still tired from last week so I have no idea what is going to happen. I just pray that the baby will be released very soon and this time he'll keep getting better for his sake and everyone elses really.
I am not looking forward to this week at any rate.
I may end up leaving church early today so I can go over and stay with the sleeping kiddies while Alan picks Krysda up from the hospital. At least she's coming home this evening but heaven knows what's going to happen the rest of the week.
Becca came over yesterday. We had a good talk, good food, good Lucy, and a good game of Nertz. I'm so glad I've got her around because lately, the family drama has been too much for even myself to avoid.
I guess we'll see what happens.
In the mean time, my icons did pretty good these past couple weeks. :D
(two weeks in a row at
rickman_stills! Quite surprising :D)
On a little side note, if any of you guys have a moment, if you could take that moment and vote for the icons in my comms I'd be most grateful :D Only if you've got some time to kill or whatever. Vote
HERE and
Ugh, just the thought of going over there and taking care of those guys for more than four hours makes my body slump over and my head hurt. I love my nephews to death but on the other hand they're the best birth control that's out there.