Mar 09, 2005 22:26
yeah ok now im really really sad cuz my dad juss called me and told me that my grandpa only has like 4 months to a year to live!!!!!!! now thats not fuckin cool and i hate that idea so over spring break im gunna devote the intire time to hangin out with him cuz i dont know how much longer hes gunna be around for !!! and anyone who has been up there with me know how fuckin kool my gramps is and now we only have like a half of yar to see him before he die !!!! i mean come on someone you knew for your entire life juss leaves like that without givin any worning or any shit i juss dont think its fare for such a good man to juss die because for some fuckin cancer that a couple of dick head rich ass bastards overlooked and that pisses me off!!!!!!! almost enough to go into there fuckin offices and beat the living shit out of them !!! because of them my grandpa dosent even get to come to my graduation dosent get to see me nor my sister grow up dosent get to have great grand kids and thats fuckin gay!!!!!!!!!!!! i can only expect 4 months so i have to hang out with him as much as possible and not get my hopes down!!! i mean come on how can you miss somethin like that!! that kind of thing determins life or death !!! i just dont see how you could pass that kind of thing up its just fuckin wrong and ill make sure that im heard for my grandpas death!!!! well when he dies i will be!!!!