Jan 17, 2006 16:55
...That feel like a few days. The funny thing about being deployed is I have lost all connection to the normal flow of life, yet I am becoming more..."refined" (well, except for urinating in a bottle going down the road at 65mph in an up-armored truck with a MK-19 gunner on the top while my eyes are scanning for IEDs in every single direction...) But what i think has made the largest difference in my life are the people I've been with.
Exhibit A: We shall name this person Charles. He is not an intellectual person though he is not a dumb person. His day to day routines consists of catching football stats, hitting the gym, bullsh@@ting with the guys, and doing his work. He likes to drink (alot...well...more than alot) and he grew up doing drugs and alot of insane activities. Yet,I've learned more about life from him than alot of folks I knew from back home. The most conclusive lesson is one that ought to be obvious. Things have to be fought for. They don't come free. Even when something nice lands in our laps, it cost someone. And you know what? I figure that there could be more if we would have searched that "free" gift out.
Exhibit B: Lets refer to this chap as Carl. He is an outstanding person, one who gives off a wonderful vibe of sophistication. Our conversations have been most rewarding (for me at least) and his excellence choice of tea and biscuits. What I enhances our conversations is his way of reflecting before he speaks. I am used to "on the gun" talkers and never being understood, so it is a treat to actually sit down and DISCUSS.
Exhibit C: This person can be called Go F#@% Yourself for all I care. I despise them far more than anyone I have ever met in my life. Maybe because he is suppose to be a leader yet cannot seem to function as a human being. I'd give him a few props but they would be overshadowed by how much of an a)ass he is b) micro-manager and C) ass he is...all I've learned is that to be a leader, you have to first inspire your troops (or whoever they are) and there must be sound judgement in what you do. Most of all, train your subbordinates so they can train and lead theirs. That is all.
Conclusion: The guilty party was Mr. Blue with the salt shaker...shaking it like one at that!!!
To all of those I love: I miss you dearly. Thoughts of you weigh on me night and day. When I see you, please don't stop me from giving you things and wanting to something for you.