Dec 12, 2005 12:54
Not going to tell you what you will find at that intersection. It does exist though. I pass by it quite frequently in my travels around the city. Kind of an odd intersection to be at but then again it is an odd city.
So I know too many things I am not suppose to know. Yup. And apparently I am suppose to be a miracle worker and not a development worker. And how do you plan things to do on unconfirmed things that you ¨don´t¨ know? And why does my head hurt so much? And why is it that the more you get to know some people the less you really want to know about them? And why do I never have energy anymore? And why are youth groups the bane of my exisitence? And, and, and…
Bah. So tired.. so what I don´t know..(hush hush cuz seriously I don´t know this info) apparently, according to my anonymous sources, it is highly possible that the CACI will close for the holidays and not reopen after the new year. Hmm.. so there goes half of my work. I am sure I can find an alternative location to have coloring club but the other project, which not surprisingly, is looking like it is going to fall flat on it face in a puddle of black water in the middle of the pasillo. That occupied a good chunk of time. Now what am I gunna do with those days open?
Demolished a wasp´s nest that was taking over my kitchen. Several innocent spiders parished during the battle, but the geneva convention was strictly observed. The ants, however, were maliciously tortured.
VACATION..leaving in 10 days for spontaneaous adventures with Kyle in the great wilds of Chile and Argentina! Hopefully my vacation form has been signed.
Mom you will be glad to know that my snot is now clear again. Except when I ride the bus or when it is windy then it takes on the usual black or red tinge. Still congested though. No runny nose, no cough, just congestion. It is so bizarre. At least it isn´t making my teeth hurt anymore.
Pirula sounds like he is adjusting well to life in the states. His nemisis continues to visit despite the fact that there is no more food to steal.
Lucero now has three visible teeth and is starting to figure out how to scoot around. Not quite crawling, would really love to be able to run on her own already. She is quite the screecher lately too. Loves to sing and screech, Ah being her favorite syllable.
Gisi, my l´il neighbor friend, she´s 2, has become quite the frequent visitor. We eat a lot of imaginary caremelos together.
I was randomly attacked by a little guy, had to be about 3, in the street for besitos. That was an interesting incident. For the life of me I can´t place who his mom is. Do I even know his mom?
Pigs.. Teresa has named my chancho Papito. Yup, Anna has a pig. And even though Epi is trying to convince me to take him home to the states with me I am still set on roasting him. Papito is going to make some yummy asado in April.
Random calle english lesson plan o´ the week: Derrogatory slurs are not okay to say in any language.
Diversity lesson o´ the week: Just because your kid likes to dance it doesn´t mean he is gay.
A group of buddies takes of Friday. Last G before mine to COS. So surreal and yet I have never felt so homesick in my entire time here. So ready to be done.
Che kaigue! Maybe its the sun...or I just need a vacation…or more tereré…Kate how many days do we have left?