essential tremors

Mar 27, 2007 16:06

I have been "suffering" from involuntary tremors for as long as I can remember. That means that I shake uncontrollably, mostly in my hands and arms; and, no matter what I do, I can't stop the movements. Tasks as simple as reaching for a pen can trigger them...there is no pain involved, I'm just always twitching.

Today, in English, the tremors went up through my hand through my arms to the shoulders. So I went to the nurses and I was shaking real heavy for 2 periods. My dad took me to the doctor's, I didn't really want to go...but the doctor I got was real nice. She gave me a neural exam, nothing serious, just "follow this finger...stand on one foot and move your arms up and down...walk down the hall on your on your toes". Things like that. Anyway, she was real nice about it and so was the Med Student there too. The doctor said that it was most likely Essential Tremors. It's not uncommon, she has a mild case herself. She just said that my case is a lot more severe than anything she's seen.

So, she recommended me to a couple neurologists. My Dad said he'd take me because he has some personal days coming up at work. I'll probably end up going to the one in Fishkill. There's also one in Middletown and Brooklyn... the doctor said they were all really good, just to go to whoever could see me first. She also said I'll have to take a bunch of tests... to test the reaction of the muscles. In one they stick two needles in your arm and send electrical impulses, to check the response time. She had it done, and she swore it didn't hurt. I guess I'll see. I'll also have to get an MRI. Just stuff like that.
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