May 20, 2007 20:08
Today I got my Septum pierced.
I'm not as excited as i should be though... why? Because It's crooked...
Here's what happened...
I went in to get my septum done, I was super pumped about it. My turn came up. I laid down on the table, and Fidel got everything ready. He pierced it, slipped in the retainer. I jumped off the table and took a look... It was crooked.. so he says this "I can pierce it again, i think i should, its not straight, i don't like it." So I sit there for a second thinking about it. I said alright. So he slides the jewlery out and then lines thing up again... He sticks me again (this time it hurt like a bitch). He slides in the retainer. I jump off the table and take a look... am I surprized? Like hell I was. It was crooked... AGAIN.. ARG. So right now I am sitting here with a crooked septum piercing. I am to take it out tomorrow and then come in in a few weeks to get it redone for the 3RD time...