May 29, 2005 09:52
its been quite the weekend, and its not even over yet.
friday i hung out with candace when she got out of her finals and we ran errands and stuff. i came home and got some random stuff done and slept cuz i was exhausted.
then Lala came over after he got out of work and we hung out and then candace and mikey came over and im pretty sure we left to go run some errands. eventually we came back to my house and got the weekly Eulau Banger started.
the guests were me, mikey, lala, candace, rachel for a little bit, chris, stever eesie, matt connolly, his gf laura, megan yakas, christian, joe, libby, huckle, krystle, kate, her friend bruce, and then lala's friends mike, andrew and john who were wicked cool kids and john knew harry and dave and it was funny,
i got some amazing blow and we all had quite a good time. mikey and lala slept over, probably passed out around 5am and woke up around 9 and me and lala ordered food and what not and then he left and i feel back asleep till around 4 in the afternoon which was when mikey woke up too. candace came over and we went to run errands and then picked up lala and came back here. saturday night's guests were me, mikey, candace, lala, allison, christian, andrew, joe, mike donny and two girls, libby, rachel and tim for a little bit, krystle, steve and kristen sawyer (wicked cool that they came by), staley, ben, chris arey, dave carlson, kim, charlene and her cousin and i think thats it...but i could be wrong.
so i bought a bottle of SoCo from lala and got myself pretty drunk and then around 12:30 in the am i popped a roll and so me and chris were up all night. literally. but it was nice, we talked about everything and then we watched the sun rise and took a walk to fisher at like 6am and yeah.
and now were chillin here till he has to leave and then ill get reeady and well end up going to lauras grad party soon and then back here to party i assume.
some random yet great memories from this weekend i dont want to forget about:
• the popcorn fight between me, candace, and mikey
• candace asking me if id "like to get to know the shrub a little better"
• me knowing the exact time mikey would wake up
• mikey breaking the bridge and us sitting out there with a hammer and nails
• candace breaking the door and us sitting there the next morning with
• candace talking to the imaginary person in the chair
• lala's explanation of how coke jumps out of his pocket
• the fact that i have bruises all over my shoulders from walking into the door frames around my house
• chris saying that depite his homosexuality he really loves my breasts especcily "after all the times he's shared with them"
• mikey tied me to a chair with a sweatshirt and then pushed it over so i was like attached to a chair as he throws me on the ground
• allison, lala and candace's trip to go shank a bitch
• lala's fantasticly funny note to mikey which read "Mike, You can have a few slices of pizza but save me a couple for my drunken munchies later, Rich" now im not sure why that was so funny, but at the time im pretty sure that amused us for a good 20 mins
• the discussion of how candace always dresses up pretty to go out but then gets fucked up and somehow ruins the outfit. Ex. grass stains! lol
im sure there are more, those are just the ones that stick out at the moment. but overall its been a really good weekend so far and thats awesome because for some reason i didnt expect it to be all that great. but ive had a very nice time even though i feel a lot like a dead corpse right now.