Apr 21, 2008 18:39
It's a busy week, but it's exciting!! I have five tests and a project, but what else is new? The exciting stuff is that Saturday is my 22nd birthday, but don't tell anyone. I'm scared of getting old, haha.
Also, this is the last week of classes in my undergraduate career -- heck yes!
I'm going to miss people while I'm gone, but once again I have reached my drama limit, so time to say goodbye to Clemson for now.
This makes me nervous about the impending 7-year relationship I will have with Mississippi State, but (as always) I hope that the next level of school will be significantly more...mature.
I've learned a lot here at Clemson, don't get me wrong.
I've learned that unexpected things can be good. I've learned that sometimes it just isn't worth the fight. I've learned that it's refreshing to form your own opinions about people and be happy with the way you feel. It doesn't matter if everyone else disagrees, I feel the way I want to about the people I meet and the people I've known. I know now that treachery can come from places you least expect it to. I've learned that some games aren't worth playing and headaches are never worth having.
I've distanced myself from some people who have hurt me. Pain can come from anywhere at anytime and we are definitely not guaranteed tomorrow. We just have to be happy with what we have and be happy with ourselves for what we are. You can only change so much about yourself, and most of the time, changes aren't so great.
The most important thing is that I'm happy with who I am. It's been a long road to this point (22 years -- so old, gah), and I know I've only just begun. There will be many more life-changing events, but at least I can be happy with myself now.
I am graduating in May. I have amazing friends whom I would trust with my life and whom I am excited to stay in touch with. I have people I will be happy to fondly remember, and I have people who I will forget. The point is that I have people. Everyone I have gotten to know has impacted my life in some way, be it positive or negative, or even both. Additionally, I am signed up for another seven years of school (at least). I'm nervous about the commitment, but I know I can do it. When have I ever not gone to the next level? This only fits with my logical habits. GSSM surely wasn't easy, nor was transferring. Never have I been in one place long enough to understand what everyone else does, but that hasn't stopped me from forming lifelong friendships everywhere I've been. I don't anticipate this stopping.
I'm excited now because I have a new boyfriend. I know, I know, another one, right? But still, it's exciting because he's an undiscovered gem. People don't really know him for who he is, and even I am still learning more and more about him everyday. I trust him, he's good to me, and he would never do anything to hurt me. I shouldn't be writing this, because he's waiting to eat dinner with me. He waits on me everyday, actually, since my schedule is the one that decided to take a crap on my social life and eating schedule. But still. The point is that I'm excited about it. It may not last, since we'll be in different states next year, but still...for now it's fun, and fun is what I need to make it through the rest of the semester.
So in summary, life is good, and I am peaceful. I have never been busier in my life, but who is better at my life than I? No one.
As Rick always told me, "I do what I want; I've got rights."