So the "Brothers Under Christ" fraternity here on campus is hosting their "Island Night" tonight. Why all the quotes? Because I have yet to see any evidence of any island* and it's not even dark here yet. Questionable naming aside, this fraternity, one virtually nobody has ever heard of, hosts one event a year, and this is it. They do it to raise awareness, but I'm just going to throw this out there: if they had more than one event a year, more people would be aware of them. Y/Y?
Fraternity, holding their annual Island Night, hosts a concert in the middle of one of our malls. The one that, not coincidentally, is right between every student housing building on campus. This means, of course, that students will be able to hear it happening and are therefore more likely to come out and join. That + free food = foolproof marketing.
But their music choices for this concert were interesting. I only know two of the three, because even though I saw the first group there were no signs or anything, and there were only two poor guys standing up there by themselves, so I have no idea who they were. The second act, however, is Jason Castro, and the third is a group called Stars Go Dim.
Now, I have nothing against any of these groups in particular,** and they were obvious choices for a Christian fraternity - they're wholesome and nice and don't totally suck, which is always a score when you're in the middle of fucking Oklahoma and aren't interested in country music.*** Stars Go Dim, however (if you haven't heard of them), is
slightly interesting: they went from hard rock to pop - and by hard I mean hard. And Jason Castro, of course, well.
Okay, I'm just going to throw this out there: I watched the first half of his set. It was boring. (I feel so immensely bad for thinking that, but it was.) So, so boring. So I bailed. Only for the rest of the set, because I'm in one of those student housing buildings near the concert so I can hear the music. I'm not going to be able to pick out lyrics, but I get the bassline and melodies just fine.
Which brings me to the main part of this post (and god, I don't know why it took so long to get here; oops) which is: I live on the eleventh floor. And Jason Castro playing a semi-acoustic set + eleven stories + one window in between?
It honest-to-god sounds like yodeling. It's not bad yodeling - but the connection is clearly there. It's sort of hysterical, actually, but I've already tried recording it; neither microphone nor iPhone will pick up anything other than an odd warbling hum. This is massively disappointing: I'd wanted to preserve this, and share it, and I can't even go back out to the concert because once out there I will no longer be on the eleventh floor (obviously) and it will go back to impressively calm acoustic and as such most of the value of the potential recording would be lost.
I am very upset.
*I lied - I have been reliably informed that there is one tree which was given a hula skirt. Somewhere up abouts the height of my head, sure, but the thought's what counts. And besides, theoretically it could still be preserving the tree's modesty. Trees are very tall, after all.
**Fuck that. I'm super excited they got bands I'd actually heard of (except for the first two dudes. Sorry), and didn't acutely despise on ethical or moral grounds, for a free concert hosted by previously explained Christian fraternity.
***There has only been one All-American Rejects. This is not, however, to slight any Oklahoman bands/performers that I am not aware of - I'm only slighting the ones that I am aware of.
Edited for extra notes
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