Blog # 10 - "Analyzing the Web"

Oct 29, 2006 10:54


Essay #3: Issue Analysis

This page provides a clear definition of our assignment and points out the key difference between this paper and the last in that we are not to take a stand, but merely present the varied perspectives on an issue.

Introduction to Issue Analysis

This page expands upon the information provided in the previous page and focuses on the construction of the thesis statement, warning that it most likely won’t be as clear cut as in the previous paper.

Looking at Values

This page extols the importance of exploring “values”.   In this type of paper defining the values is like setting the rules to a game, in that the values of the group or groups in question dictate the response to the issue.

Reconstructions: the media and 9/11

This site provides several essays/articles to peruse.  I found that the Definitions, Expressions and Representations pages on this site provided good examples of looking at values.

Critical Media Literacy in Times of War

A cool looking site with some useful facts, but it is annoyingly slow to load.

Popular Culture: Resources for Critical Analysis

I loved this site as it provided a host of samples and deepened my understanding of analysis by looking at notes on the varied forms of analysis.  This is a very worthwhile site.

Web Quest for Issue Analysis

Another good site that provides instruction and examples for crafting an Issue Analysis, but I found that its layout made it feel wordy.  Get beyond the formatting though and there are some good insights.

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