fragile moments keep this head full of doubts

Jun 23, 2005 23:50

Okay. Semi-dilemma.
Well, every year my family goes down to the Outer Banks, North Carolina for a week. Mostly we just relax on the beach. We've been doing this for...I think it's been 10 years now. No wait, it's more than that. Gosh, I don't even know. ANYWAY.
So this year our week in the Outer Banks is August 6-13. We'd be leaving really early in the morning on the 6th and getting back really late on the 13th.
I move back into school (for RA training) on August 15th.
This also means that by the time I finally start working, I'll only have about 5 weeks of working before I have to quit again.

So, I was thinking...what if I didn't go to North Carolina?

And this means that it is time for a pros and cons list.

Pros of Going to North Carolina:
- week of relaxing
- all-expenses paid
- beach all week, prettymuch
- if I don't go, I will barely have any tan at all when I go back to school
- this is one of my last years of going to North Carolina..maybe when I'm older I'll miss these family vacations

Pros of Staying Home
- I'd make more money
- I'd get to go to Warped Tour!
- I wouldn't have to rush around to get packed for school when I get back from NC

Well my pros/cons list didn't really help all that much.
I usually have fun in NC, but also, sometimes the parents can be a little bit of a pain, not gonna lie. Maybe I'm getting too old for vacations with my parents.
I wonder if I could just go for half a week with them...but that would mean major mileage on my car, plus driving by myself with no navigator. Unlessssss someone wants to come with me. Haha.

Well maybe instead of writing pointless journal entries, I should go talk to the parental units about this and see what they have to say.

music, waitressing, reslyfe, other list

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