OK, so I believe I mentioned before that I was going to the Maury show. Well, set your Tivo or other DVR now because I will be prominently featured on Fridays episode. Well, prominently featured in the crowd along with my mom, Brandi and out friends Jessaka, Charlie, Linda and Lynn. One of the brothers...you know the, "I seen that bitch in the club messing around on you!" sort of paternity test brothers, was actually sitting between Brandi and myself so that was...awkward. The show was hilarious though and I won't ruin any surprises except to say "Li'l Shaun"
Our trip to Maury capped a vacation that Brandi and I took for my birthday / her quitiversary / our 5-year anniversary. We went up to Amherst and pretty much relived our first couple of years together. We went to Chandler's at Yankee Candle for the actual anniversary night and, serendipitously enough, there was a special wine tasting dinner so we jumped on that and everything was fantastic. We got to talking with the sommelier, who preferred to be called a wine doctor, and she was nice in a goofy sorta way.
Since we've been back, though, it's been right back to the 6-day schedule. This week's training would've been better spent doing, really, anything else as we had nothing to do. To put it in a way that everyone will understand, on Monday I did absolutely nothing until 2:30 P.M. and then once I was going to accomplish something, someone had to leave so I had to go do something I already know how to do. Yesterday I did nothing until 6 P.M. and then had a brief hour of doing things that were beneficial. Don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily mind sitting on my ass and making money. I just don't want people in the front office, who are famously disconnected from reality, thinking that I'm not getting this stuff because it's taking a while.
In other work news, I got my annual review and am getting a 4% raise starting next month. I was hoping for more, based on the drunken assurances of my supervisor, but what value does a drunken assurance hold really? He did say that I would most likely get a promotion next year which would equate to a 6% raise according to the base pay scale.
I recently got Super Smash Brothers Brawl and I love it. Brandi recently got Karaoke Revolution presents American Idol and she loves it. We also picked up MLB 08 and we love it. I have to say that Brandi is no slouch at this new baseball game. We last had MVP Baseball 2005, which was a fantastic game, and she was getting very good at that game even though I still had a distinct advantage. The use of the wii-mote in the new game, though, seems to even the playing field. That and you can see exactly where the pitch is going. Maybe I missed something in the option menu when I was scouring it for any clue that may let me turn that off.
Traffic on my site has been up lately after posting on the web about some
No More Heroes designs but I haven't sold anything in nearly a month. It's a bit disheartening because I had been that way and then I would sell one or two things a month and then it got to 3 sales in a week but I guess that was a fluke. I know stuff like this takes time so I'm not overly concerned, just a little bummed out.
Speaking of the site...
I took this public domain image (click for full size) and took everything out but the Sumo and the foreigner he is pwning.
![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/Foreigner_and_Wrestler_at_Yokohama_1861.jpg/406px-Foreigner_and_Wrestler_at_Yokohama_1861.jpg HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=203)
I've been trying for months now to come up with some text for the shirt. My first instinct was "Ippon bitch!" based on something that circulated the internet long enough ago that google returns 2 hits but I wanted to shy away from bitch due to being labeled as a kid-friendly site. I made a mock up of it just saying Sumo but it looked lame. Any ideas?