
Mar 26, 2005 05:14

am back from hiatus! well, sort of. i'm still trying to find time to reply to emails and comments, and write for people's birthdays, and read fic, and just generally catch up. (yui-neechan: i've wracked my brains out, but i really have no idea - what'd you like for your birthday ( Read more... )

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senoyui March 26 2005, 15:41:31 UTC
omgomgogmogmgomogmgmg!!! ish imouto! *supertackleglomps you* T_T I missed you, I thought you disappeared forever lol. Weclome back! ^^ um... I dunno. ^^; You always made awesome layouts? lol It's not easy thinking of presents for you either. @_@; Your interests change a lot. lol But omg, you remembered.. X3 I think >.>; You don't have to get me something, but it'd be nice to hear from you again ^^ *pokes e-mail* >.>

what happened? oo; I'm sorry to hear you've had a crappy few days. T_T; I hope things are really ok now. *hugs* ...


abraxan March 27 2005, 01:12:11 UTC
*huggles and luffs*

I'm feeling much better now. ^_^ I would love to make you a layout, but it might be a bit late? 'Cause I just switched over to a new computer, which has NOTHING on it. (Not even MS Word. ><) I'm trying to get my hands on a legal copy of Photoshop - my last one wasn't, and now my dad refuses to let me install anything that isn't original. ._.


senoyui March 27 2005, 05:30:58 UTC
That's good. ^^ lol. erm.. considering yours is like... 3 months late. ^^; It doesn't matter. You really don't have to get me anything x-x; *feels bad* You got a new computer? :D And you said you wouldn't.. >.> lol That's good for the new comp, but bad for the photoshop. I have a copy, but it's not legal. x_x; And photoshop is kinda... incredibly expensive. T_T; I hope you find a good copy soon. I don't think toying around with MS Paint is as fun ^^; lol


abraxan March 27 2005, 05:35:47 UTC
My old computer kept on died three times, was revived twice, and then wouldn't come alive for a week. Which was when my dad got frustrated and decided to get a new one. (I have to help pay, though. I'm paying him $40 a month for two years, in installments.)

Btw - I'm so out of date, but which anime are you into now? Because I'm madly in love with Naruto and just recently got hooked onto Bleach, and I want to share the LOVE. *is insanely obsessed*


senoyui March 27 2005, 06:03:58 UTC
*pokes at you* you're on-line? :o

ouch, o_o; That sucks... I guess... good and bad to it then? ^^; At least you got a new comp. $40 shouldn't be too bad, ne?

Currently? Obsessed with Bleach too. XD Watching Peach Girl and Gankutsuou too. I was sooo still into FMA up until a few weeks ago. @_@; lol But then my classmate told me about Bleach and I've been watching it lately and am currently obsessed with it too. XD I'm only on episode 15, but I love it so. I need to download more, but my compy may explode if I do.. @_@; I've been sorta watching Naruto, but it's on my comp so I've been lazy with it. x_x Another classmate of mine told me Gankutsuou.. I've only seen a couple of eps, but it looks shounen-ai ish oo;;; It's interesting.. that's about everything lol.


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