
Dec 13, 2004 17:44

aefallen's birthday fic, with an alternate ending. hope you'll like this version too! *luffs*

Euclidean Geometry )

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aefallen December 15 2004, 10:29:59 UTC
*hides* Exceeded the LJ comment limit. *laughter*

cold blue eyes
Ow. That hurt. I never thought to hear Peter's eyes described like that, and I'm glad you did it. Although, thinking of it, now, I'm beginning to think that this must have been the way he looked during the "There are bigger things happening here than me and you" scene. Thank you for making me look at Peter in a new way. It's always good to see this side of him, because it's there. He can be cold, and he can be like this, and I'm really, really glad that you wrote this side of him. *hugs you* I don't see him this way, and I'm glad you make me see him this way, because it is the way he is. (That's why I write emotional! fic the way I do - I think there's too much fanon to what I write, and I write, for most part, what I want to see, as opposed to what I know should happen. Then again, the What I Know Should Happen part of me tells me that Harry/Peter would never happen)

Hadn't anticipated the way Peter backed away as he approached, backed right up against the wall
I like the way you describe Peter backing away, here. It may be just me, but I get a sense of Harry's incredulous reaction - only he's not showing it -, a sense of shock, just from reading this line here. It did make me wonder where they were, because from the first fic, I'd automatically set it in my head that this was happening in the pizza place, but then I realised Peter was ducking out of a window, so it might not be where I assumed it'd be.

AND - It was easy after that.
IS PERFECT. I'll probably say this a thousand times, but I love this ending. I love the fic that this ending makes. It completely transforms the story, and I love the story it now tells. I've recently come to realise that I'd love to see Peter as one of the reasons behind why Harry makes the choice he did, and this is a lovely way of making that happen. For some horrible reason I cannot write, "Harry choosing to become the Green Goblin" without wanting to die, and I have no idea why this is so. *hides*

It was easy after that.
I just like this line. *laughter* Oh my heavens, I'm trying to find the words to explain why I like this line. I like what it reveals of Harry. I like the way it shows exactly what he thinks of the decision he's making - more, I like the way it shows what he feels about the choice he's making. When you write it like this, I believe - it's as simple as that. I believe in the reason he's doing this, and I believe he would make this choice, and I believe that this is what he would feel about it. You convince me that this is what he would do, and why. Can I tell you that this is an amazing thing to do? And that it is not easy, to convince a reader? And that I'm so thrilled you've done it? *hugs you tight* Because you have. You've convinced me. You make it real. And you make me believe.

I attempted to post my comment after it was done and got, "Sorry, but your comment of 6108 characters exceeds the maximum character length of 4300. Please go back, shorten it, and try posting it again." XD


abraxan December 19 2004, 06:06:18 UTC
cold blue eyes

It's odd, I know, but I've never thought of Peter as a particular warm person. I think it's a result of his social ineptitude - he just doesn't know, to a certain extent, how to be caring and how to express his feelings. I definitely see Harry as the more dominant one, the one with more initiative and with more drive to get what he wants. And I think Harry would be less afraid to express his emotions.

the pizza place

In my head, this actually takes place in Pete's apartment. Actually, the line "backed right up against the wall" happens in my head with Pete literally climbing up the wall with his Spidey powers, because I have this feelings that he instinctively turns to his powers whenever he's distressed. And then he ducks out of the window (again with his powers) and just escapes the scene, because he's just incapable of dealing with the situation. The Peter in this fic is a horrible, horrible jerk, I know. *smiles sheepishly*

Peter as one of the reasons behind why Harry makes the choice he did

I've always thought that Peter's reaction, or action, would be the pivotal point that causes Harry to become the Green Goblin. The moment towards the end of the second film, where Harry says no to his father, tells me so clearly that Peter is so much more to him than whatever legacy his father has left him, and so it makes sense to me that it would be Peter, either rejecting, neglecting, or simply being unable to face him, that would tilt the balance. In a certain way, I think Pete is more important to Harry that Harry is to Pete, which is why I feel so much more for Harry (even though I can't write him for nuts), and it's also, I think, the reason why Harry is so upset. Not so much that Peter killed his father, but more of that Peter doesn't trust him enough to confess.

And you make me believe.

*is so terribly undeserving*


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