Level 10

May 27, 2011 16:05


I-I'm human again! This is great! Please keep it this way this time, but, I still would like my hero title back if that would be okay. Though, what was that letter about? It's a bit cryptic don't you think? I like what that other guy said, no one should pay it any mind. I mean, what would anyone gain by following it, right?


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bright side to everything, silly but not stupid

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backseat_dragon May 28 2011, 00:50:14 UTC
... I wish I could do that.


abravelikehero May 28 2011, 01:07:23 UTC
Why not? It's sort of stupid to follow this sort of thing, makes more sense to stay home and be on guard.


backseat_dragon May 28 2011, 05:57:18 UTC
I... I don't know. I want to protect the people I love. But...

Doing so means I may have to do something I'll regret.


abravelikehero May 28 2011, 07:36:52 UTC
But protecting people isn't the same as like, hunting them down. You can protect people without going after anyone. At least that's what I'm going to do.


backseat_dragon May 28 2011, 08:58:23 UTC
You can't protect them from everything! You have nothing right now! We both do! And if someone else doesn't get them, the town itself will!


abravelikehero May 28 2011, 11:20:42 UTC
Then you defend them if others come! It's not good to see everyone as an enemy, if you see everyone like that how will you know you have friends? Defense is the best offence, and is the only good choice!


backseat_dragon May 28 2011, 18:53:42 UTC
... You sound like a child, Almaz.


abravelikehero May 28 2011, 21:36:06 UTC
Because I don't want to fight people unnecessarily? Because I don't want to go after people on some stupid piece of paper because someone else may be after me?

This is just... this is all stupid, I don't think demons would even fall for this kind of trick....


backseat_dragon May 28 2011, 22:28:09 UTC
I... I don't WANT to do this! But you and I BOTH have seen what this town does! What it's capable of! I... I refuse to be useless!


abravelikehero May 29 2011, 00:59:28 UTC
And that's why I'm going to defend every single person I see in need!


backseat_dragon May 29 2011, 09:24:06 UTC


abravelikehero May 29 2011, 21:55:50 UTC
I... I don't want to die but....


I would rather die a hero than die a villain!


backseat_dragon May 29 2011, 21:57:43 UTC


abravelikehero May 29 2011, 21:59:30 UTC
Er... um, live as a villain makes more sense in that context doesn't it?


backseat_dragon May 30 2011, 02:13:04 UTC
-Just a big sigh.-


1/2 abravelikehero May 30 2011, 02:20:52 UTC
Heh... hehe.....


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