I'm laughing so hard it hurts. Rob is so retarded and neurotic.
Rob118357: My dick hurts
Rob118357: i shaved my balls a few weeks back and i had severe scrapeage
Rob118357: it's like burned
Rob118357: I'm walkin funny, it sucks
abrasive mantra: haha god man
abrasive mantra: don't use a razor
abrasive mantra: I use trimmers
Rob118357: so do i
Rob118357: but i wore boxer briefs which rubbed my dick against my prickley balls
Rob118357: I've never had this happen before
abrasive mantra: haha
abrasive mantra: now that you've got a girlfriend you gotta keep the playing field mowed, eh?
Rob118357: i usually do yea
Rob118357: thats why I did it though :-\
Rob118357: right now i'm looking at punks from slovakia
abrasive mantra: how's that going?
Rob118357: I dont know