Jun 20, 2009 09:03
- 12:13 hey life... suck it!!!!!! #
- 21:08 holy shit @gimmeapuck is the best sister ever!!! she is taking me on a new england cruise as a graduation pressie. omgomgomg!!!!!! #
- 00:48 ok I'm on cruise research overload right now #
- 01:29 ok everyone, give me a random odd question to ask someone... aaaaaaaaaand GO! #
- 01:32 @ nylved EW! #
- 01:37 @ gimmeapuck YES! #
- 01:43 @ gimmeapuck BEST! that's going in my list! #
- 01:45 @ rawwksann I agree with @gimmeapuck boys can stay at crush-level for awhile. When you're just in a crush you don't have any BS to deal with #
- 02:11 JUST watched the Mother Lover Timberlake/Samberg skit.. OMG.. HILARIOUSLY WRONG AND WONDERFUL #
- 02:49 @ gimmeapuck twitpic.com/7vul4 - your guitar hero guitar is cheating on me with you?! I'm calling Springer. #
- 02:50 going to sleepies since I have to be at the hair cutting place tomorrow at 9:30. #
- 02:50 sweet dreams twees. #
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