May 21, 2009 09:04
- 09:10 my eyes are open but i assure you im still asleep #
- 09:15 i couldnt decide on which highway all my crimes did i say you were my favorite one? #
- 09:34 RB @ScenicKK: "wow!! bon iver" let's try this video thing out... ♫ #
- 10:24 new computer being installed at my work desk as i type. YAYS!!!! #
- 10:54 boss is having me get a company to come clean our cars at work as a thank you. i love my job! #
- 15:10 Im not a person who likes working out. i think it is akin to torture. that being said.. im totally looking forward to working out now. s ... #
- 17:35 @ maxpower086 I'd be a super villain if I wore tights in public. people would run in fear of their lives. #
- 17:37 charging up the ipod so I can listen to some @LetMyPrideBe while I work out :) #
- 21:23 I've done nothing but work out and eat dinner. have been vegging on the couch watching TV since. should clean. eh.. there's always tomorrow #
- 21:36 want. cake. #
- 22:08 @ Dustinwcash mmm I get birthday cake in a few days!! :D #
- 22:51 because this tiare flower lotion makes me smell like vacation. mmm.. "screen door swayin' now baby give me some... ♫ #
- 23:23 @ Dustinwcash indeed. yay for me getting older! #
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