The Funny Things that can be Heard around a Scrabble Board:

Feb 02, 2006 22:09

January 26-Scrabble with Iggi with Kaitlin watching
"You can win, especially when you fudge the numbers a little bit"
"Of course you can use beso, she's LOSING for crying out loud."
"Use Beso in a sentence" "If you would let me use my word that would Beso good"
"A Poon is a tree? aaah, I guess you need to use the word "tang" to get what I'm thinking about"

February 2 - Scrabble with Iggi, Sheila with Konrad watching
"Xa? That's not in the dictionary!?!?!" "Of course it is, you have to really believe it to see it"
The vertical words on the top half of the board: Penis, Nudes, Rim and Tulips (Two Lips)
"I'll trade you an E for your R...."
"Can penis have an extra letter at the end?" "No, but it does have a silent O"
"GIVE IT TO ME!... eep..."
"We'll couple our points together and double team him!"

I forgot the rest... Sheila, Igs can you add to it?

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