Most of you already know the furcon routine for me; I fursuit, I socialize, I eat, I lose sleep, and I take photos of the other fursuiters. That doesn't sound as if I had a lot of fun, but I really did. I won't write a long con report to talk about things, but I'll talk more about it in another entry.
In the meantime, you can look at all of
the photos I took at the con. The D300s performed well, and with it, I took and posted the most photos to date (of all of my furcon photo sets). I, on the other hand, didn't do as well using it; I'll have more on that, later. Still, there are some good ones in there.
As usual, credit me (Abrahm) if you repost or reuse any. Also, if you have a Flickr login, then you can add tags to the photos.