Another fic challenge from GW whump thread.
Finish this prompt.
Sheppard looked down at his wound. He had lost a lot of blood and was starting to feel the effects. Pressing a bandage harder to stem the blood flow and leaning his head back, he took a deep breath. This wasn’t over. He still had a long night ahead of him.
Story must include any 3 of the following elements..
A) Thunderstorm
B) Injured team mate
C) Small animal
D) Donuts
E) The line..”what were you thinking?”
Length:Up to 2000 words
Title Nothing is Easy
Length: 2046 words (I always seem to go over)
Characters: John Sheppard and an OC from a previous story haven't learned my lesson yet so no Beta. Let me know my mistakes please.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. They would have gotten better treatment.
Sheppard looked down at his wound. He had lost a lot of blood and was starting to feel the effects. Pressing a bandage harder to stem the blood flow and leaning his head back, he took a deep breath. This wasn’t over. He still had a long night ahead of him.
Hearing a noise off to the side, Sheppard rolled his head towards the darkest corner of the cave he was in. Wearily he said, “Yeah you silly thing, you did this to us. We could have been safe in the Jumper, but Noooo, you had to run away. What were you thinking?” Two green glowing eyes blinked at him for an answer.
With a small groan, Sheppard adjusted his position. He grit his teeth as his wounded shoulder moved. Moving the bandage, he looked under it to check the wound. He didn’t like what he was seeing. The blood was still flowing from the bite mark. He could actually count the teeth marks by the dribbling blood.
He replaced the pressure bandage on the front of his shoulder and tried to check the one on the back. It seemed to be staying in place as long as he was leaning against the wall.
Outside of the cave the thunderstorm that had enticed the owner of the eyes was in full swing. The wind was blowing so hard that the rain was falling sideways. Lightning lit the forest like it was a bright, sunny day while thunder shook the ground. Sheppard didn’t need to count the time between the flashes and the sound. There was no time. The storm was directly above them.
Another, more ominous sound came from just outside the cave entrance. A low growl and cracking twigs let Sheppard know that the creature that had chased him and his smaller companion in here was still outside, looking for its dinner. He glanced towards the dark corner and said “Your friend is still waiting for you.” Next to him, on the ground was his 9 mil. It was the only thing keeping that animal out of the cave.
Slowly the little creature emerged from the corner. He looked like a cross between a chinchilla and a ferret with an extra long tail. Normally he was a purple color, but now he was a light shade of gray. Sheppard made a tsking noise at him. “Come here Sparky. I know you’re scared.” He reached out his hand to the little creature as it slowly made its way towards him.
When Sparky got to Sheppard, he climbed up his arm and settled on his good shoulder, tail wrapping around the man’s neck. John reached up to stroke the soft fur. “What I really want to know is how you got in the Jumper in the first place little guy. I thought I told you to stay with Elizabeth today.” The little creature only purred in response.
John leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. He was becoming sleepy and that wasn’t a good sign. Trying to keep himself awake, he calculated how long he had been gone from Atlantis. As closely as he could figure, he had been out for about 6 hours. The trip to village for a supply trade was about an hour, the village obligatory visit was another hour and the trip back to the ‘Gate had been about 45 minutes. Looking at his watch, he confirmed that the adventure that had him laid up in this cave had begun about 3 hours ago.
The villagers had warned him about the impending storm, but he had been sure he could outrun it or just deal with it. He had been wrong on both counts. Landing the jumper hadn’t been that big of a deal. It was a cool thunderstorm. The lightning was amazing. He wanted a closer look at it so he opened the Jumper hatchway to get an unobstructed view. John was a sucker for storms. Their power always thrilled him.
While hanging out on the Jumper’s ramp and munching on some donuts he had concealed in his backpack, he heard a scrabbling noise behind him. He turned just in time to catch a glimpse of a purple tail disappearing under one of the seats. He recognized it immediately and dived to catch it. No luck. Another 15 minutes was spent looking all around the interior and playing hide and seek with the Chyllia, who happens to be an expert at that game.
Just as John was about to give up and bribe Sparky with the last donut, a glazed devil’s food one that happened to be the favorite for both of them, the little creature darted out the hatchway and into the bushes. “CRAP! Smart move John! Should’ve closed the damned door!” He ran out into the pouring rain calling the little guy’s name.
Sparky led John on a merry chase for over an hour. He always stayed just out of reach and just in sight, taunting the man. Sheppard believed that he was being laughed at when he heard the chittering sound the creature made.
Soaked to the bone and just about to give up and head back to the Jumper, Sheppard heard the chittering change to a screech. He took off in the direction of the sound. He skidded to a halt when he came upon a large cat like creature trying to climb up a tree. Sure enough, out on a limb, there was Sparky. He was pure white and shaking.
As soon as Sparky caught sight of Sheppard, he raced along the branches and took a flying leap onto John’s shoulder. The big cat was almost as quick as the little animal. It took off after it and also made a flying leap at Sheppard. Luckily Sheppard’s reactions were just as quick. He turned and ran into the forest with the hungry animal right behind him.
The chase was on and Sheppard almost lost a few times. He had removed Sparky from his shoulder and tucked him inside his BDU shirt. He tried a few times to get a clear shot at the cat chasing them, but the forest was too dense and the cat too quick for him to pause to get a good shot.
Finally Sheppard thought he had lost the creature. He stopped to take a breath and reload. Only 2 clips left. He wasn’t wearing his vest since he had been in the Jumper. At least he had a few clips in the side pockets of his trousers.
Sheppard tried to listen for any sounds of pursuit, but the storm was hiding any he might hear. Using the tree he was resting against as a shield, he leaned around it to see if he really had lost his pursuer.
Pain exploded in his shoulder as a monstrous set of teeth latched onto him. Barely aware of what he was doing, he fired his weapon with a prayer to hit the cat or he was dead.
Well, he wasn’t dead, but neither was the cat. He had taken advantage of the big animal’s momentary distress to dive into a cave that he had spotted nearby. The animal was now wary of its prey and refused to come in the entrance after a warning shot had been made.
They were at an impasse. Both were bleeding heavily and it was just a matter of time before one of them let their guard down and the other would take advantage.
John forced his eyes to open. He reached up to stroke Sparky’s fur, but was only able to manage a few pets before weakness took over and his arm fell back to his lap. He was shivering partly from blood loss, but mostly from being soaked to the bone sitting in a cold, dark cave. The only warm spot was where his little friend was curled on his shoulder.
What was he going to do? He wasn’t sure that he could even make it back to the Jumper if was able to leave the cave. He had to place his hope in his team. They would try to contact him first and then come find him when he didn’t answer. He knew this without a doubt in his soul. He just hoped that the cave wouldn’t block his lifesign. He also had to hope that he still had a lifesign left for them to read.
“Stop that John!” he chided himself.
Glancing towards the opening, he noticed the storm seemed to be slowing. He hadn’t heard thunder in the last few minutes and the lightning was less harsh.
He also noticed an absence of growling. Hopefully that meant that the predator was gone or, better yet, dead.
“Well Sparky, looks like you aren’t going to be an appetizer for the big mean cat.” He reached up to scratch between the little one’s ears and was rewarded with a small purr.
Moving his hand to his bandage, he was relieved to see that the blood flow had slowed to seeping. Good news all around.
John’s eyes slowly slid closed. He couldn’t help it. He was too tired to try to fight them. He knew that a fever was starting to develop. Not unexpected after being bitten. He knew he needed to let his body rest before he made the effort to get back to the Jumper. He fell asleep to the sound of purring in his ear.
When they opened back up he was in complete darkness. No storm was raging outside. In fact, all the rain had stopped. He could hear the sounds of insects chirping and trees rustling in a gentle breeze. The air smelled fresh and clean like it does after a heavy rain. He smiled because that was one of his favorite smells.
As he slowly became more aware, he realized that he no longer had a warm spot on his shoulder. He put his hand up to see if Sparky was alright only to find that he was gone.
“Sparky!” he called. “Hey buddy, where are you?” He listened carefully for the sound of scrabbling, but heard nothing.
He patted himself down for a flashlight, but no luck.
Despite the pain in his shoulder, he crawled to the back of the cave, feeling around for the missing Chyllia. Worry written on his sweat soaked face, he headed towards the entrance.
Before sticking his head out, he paused and listened for the sounds of the predator. He had picked up his gun and was holding it tightly in his hand, ready to shoot if he needed to. He didn’t hear anything besides the night noises he had noticed before.
Taking a deep breath, Sheppard slowly emerged from the cave. In the moonlight he saw the big cat lying on its side. He wasn’t going to be a threat to anyone anymore.
Tentatively he called out “Sparky? You out here?”
There were only the native night sounds to answer him. John’s heart fell a little. He really hoped that the little guy was OK. He was expecting a rescue at any time now. How would they find their smallest expedition member in this big forest? They didn’t leave anyone behind and to John that meant his furry friend too.
Off to his left he heard the sounds of twigs snapping! Kneeling down to prevent falling down, he aimed his weapon in the direction of the sound. It might be another cat….or something worse.
Out of the forest came a bounding bundle of purple fur, tail streaming out behind him. “Hey Buddy, there you are!” A huge smile spread across John’s face.
“Where did that rat go?” came the loud, complaining voice of one Rodney McKay.
“His trail’s over here,” Ronon responded.
Sheppard’s grin got even bigger. “You went and found the team didn’t you?” He ruffled the soft fur as it nuzzled his neck, purring loudly. “Only fitting since you got us into this mess in the first place. Apology accepted!”
He was trying to get to his feet as his team appeared from the forest. “Oh God, there you are,” Rodney stammered.
“Yes, here we are,” he said wearily as Ronon helped him to his feet. “Ready to go home now!”