Jun 19, 2007 21:06
I spotted a few friends with this and decided I needed to post something so........
1. My username is _____ because ____.
Uh, ok let's start with the hard one. I tried to use Pocus because that is my name on GW. LJ said it was unavailable. Figures. What to do? What to do? Ah, I know. I needed another magical name. I certainly did not want to be Hocus and Pocus. That would be silly. I remembered my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoon (and you must know this...I don't like Bugs Bunny but this one particular ep stuck in my head) It was the one where Bugs is stuck in a dark, scary castle on a dark, stormy night with a Vampire who is in need of dinner. Bugs finds a book of magic words and starts singing Hocus Pocus and Abracadabrah. The Vampire dude keeps getting changed into a back and back at the most inoppurtune time s. Then Bugs becomes creative and mixes up the words....Hocus Cadabrah creates a bat head and person body and Abracah Pocus creates a person head and bat body (I might have those two confused). Anyway, I liked the creative use of language and the inflappability in the face of evil. Actually I just laughed my ass off at the person head bat body and remembered the phrase.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
Some days are really rough because it is the truth.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
I don't know that I have a subtitle.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
What Other's are up to. because I am nosy and always want to know.
5. My default user pic is ____ because____.
A Shweet pic of John Sheppard because he is Shweet and it is the first icon I ever made all by my self!