Things that matter

Feb 07, 2014 23:47

Jonathan Tropper talked about going after things that matter in his novel THE BOOK OF JOE

"You remember those old Roadrunner cartoons, where the coyote would run off a cliff and keep going, until her looked down and happened to notice that he was running on nothing more than air? I always wondered what would have happened if he'd never looked down. Would the air have stayed solid under his feet until he reahed the other side? I think it would have, and I think we're all like that. We start heading out across the canyon, looking straight ahead at the thing that matters, but something, some fear or insecurity, makes us look down. And we see we're walking on air, and we panic, and turn around and scramble like hell to get back to solid ground. And if we just wouldn't look down, we could make it to the other side. The place where things matter."

The things that matter don't change. Go for after them. What will happen if you don't. What if you stay on solid ground?

"Remember what happens to the coyote when he doesn't run off the cliff. A piano fall on him."

Go after the things that matter.
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