hello world/lauren who is probably the only person who will ever read this....
i am pretty frustrated right now because its late ive been in for a few hours now but im not tired/cant sleep. probably because i was in bed a total of approximately 14 hours last night (til 6pm this evening) suffering the most horrendous hangover of my lifetime. probably ingested every type of alcohol known to man friday night. also ate some really delicious/new rolls of sushi i had never heard of. tonight my friends had a party at their townhouse thing. it was cute buuuut i was kind of in a zombie state.
i bought a few new albums last week that i am enjoying thoroughly... the department of eagles album is sooo good. i recommend. i want the new mogwai but i am lacking in the cashflow dept. i'll probably find it somewhere in the interworld soon.
hey lauren i read what you wrote about the school across the street from your place and fresh prince, thats sweet. i miss philadelphia. i am missing lots and lots of good shows there now/lately. already got my ticket to bon iver in december though; trocadero. :) good since i missed him there last summer. i am trying to decide what to do with my life lately--really actually caring for the first time. its scary i want to be frozen in time and keep being 20 forever when people are all basically still on the same level and there's no monetary separation between us and no real responsibilities except grades-which i can't even keep up with god knows how i'll one day raise a family.
anyway, i'm going to stop letting these silly thoughts about my future bother me and maybe watch a movie (can't hardly wait obv) and try to slip into a deep slumber. sorry if you waaaaasted time reading my ramblings.
your stoop is my favorite
me and brother, westchester ny
and an old one from summer because i miss this girl more than anything