going crazy

Jun 13, 2006 19:21

So much is change is taking place in my life right now and it's both scary and exciting. A lot has gone on since my last update so this is going to be a long one.

- Life was fairly normal after my birthday, I started having these crazy parties at my house which involved coworkers making out with each other, lap dances and me being EXTREMELY bad one night.

- For several weeks I was subjected to psycho asian girl that lived below me who would randomly wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly start screaming and crying and pounding on the walls for hours at a time. Of course this jolted me out of bed and caused many sleepless nights and extremely grumpy mornings but then they finally moved out yay!

- I met a boy who I liked very much but tried not to become attached because a. i am leaving and b. i tend to get my heart broken a lot. We started off as friends and eventually morphed into friends with benefits and somehow he realized he had feelings for me and decided we should be more than that. So stupid me agreed, ignoring all the red flags that were telling me PSYCHO PSYCHO GET AWAYYYY!! And just as I let my guard down he fucked me over and managed to cheat on me TWICE in one week. TWICE. Then he begged for my forgiveness and played puppy dog like it was somehow not his fault and that I should feel sorry for him. Then when I didn't talk to him he got all psycho so I felt bad for him (stupid me once again) and said that I would try to be his friend. He then continued to be more and more psycho and as a result I basically told him to fuck off. The end. I hate men.

- I took a well-deserved vacation to Myrtle Beach to see my dad and Anna and to give Myrtle Beach a chance to let me know I should move in with Anna. I decided I should.

- My hatred for my job continued to grow and grow and now I can barely stand it so I am counting the days until I am no longer there! 8 more days of work! wooo hoo. It will be hard to leave some of the consumers though, but I'm sure I will get over it.

- While simultaneously working and going to school full time I somehow managed to not go crazy AND get a 3.0GPA. Go me.

- After classes end I partied a lotttttt and met some really great people whom I adore adore adore and who I am going to be very sad to leave. I figured out that I am cool for once in my life and that people love be and I deserve it cuz I'm awesome. I also realized that I throw some kick ass parties, in part because the people I invite are a hell of a good time.

- I managed to earn the nicknames "whore" "dome queen" and "pit crew" most lovingly by my friends and I continue to live up to these standards.

- For the first time in 2 years I went home and hung out with three of my favorite girls all at once AND drank. I flirted with a guy I have had a crush on since high school and the opportunity to get him in the sack when I go home in July is very likely, I feel. I also hooked up with the worst possible dude at the end of the night and had the worst possible sex EVER. But it resulted in lots of funny tales so its ok i guess.

- I've been taking a summer class and hopefully it will result in me graduation in September... FINALLY!!

- I hit 20 last week and if you don't know what that means you can ask but chances are I wont tell you.

- I've been making all the final arrangements and plans for my big move. I resigned from my position at work and my last day is the 30th. There are a lot of loose ends I need to tie up but I've been doing pretty well with that. Moving is A LOT of work. I'm really nervous mostly about stuff I cant control. I'm worried about not having a psychiatrist for awhile, even though mine sucks balls. I don't want to get really bad and be so far away from "home". I move out of my apartment on Sunday... it's incredibly sad since I have been here for like 3 years of my life. I managed to weed through the things I don't want or need and got rid of a lot. I have most of my things packed and ready to go. I'm going to be crashing at Lauren and Mikie's apartment for like 2 weeks... I'm so thankful to have such good friends. The option of crashing at my aunt's was very unnappealing. I am leaving July 1st for my mom's in Waterloo and I am going to stay there, relax, hang out with people and sort through more of my stuff before I leave... tentative date is July 12th. So the next month or so is going to be crazy. But I am definitely ready for a change of pace. It's time to move on to the next stage of my life and as scary as it is, I need to do it! I am finally going to be living with my best friend in the whole world and I get a fresh start. Fresh starts are always fun. I never realized how much I love Buffalo until it sunk in that I am leaving. It's really a pretty decent place except for the constant construction in the summer and the potholes everywhere. I guess I always thought I hated it. I guess maybe it is partially the people I spend time with that make it so great for me... I think that if it weren't for them I wouldn't like it as much. And the music scene. And the fact that the bars are open until 4. And the vast array of 24 hour/all night food places. *sigh*

My going away party is the 30th after I get out of work if anyone is interested in attending. Let me know and I'll give you more details. There will be lots of tears and drunkenness.

That's about it... the next time I update I will no longer be a Buffalonian.
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