Jan 27, 2005 21:20
It's so friggen cold!! >_< Just got done eating. And I showered. I took a 3 hour nap today! w0o! That's a record! I'll go for 4 next time! =] Yeah but.. I have alot of crap today. For Speedwriting, I have to study for the quiz/test tomorrow. For French, I have to study for the test on unit one. Or at least I think we're having a test. Well just in case. I'll study anyway. And I have to remember three lines for a presentation thingy. *Sigh. I'm scared.. I suck at French. Hahah.. I sound like such a loser when I talk. But anywho, for science, I have to finish doing my graphs from class. And I have to write a biography thingy on my scientist. Me & Lon picked the same scientist! So yeah.. I don't know when it's do but I'll just do it now so I don't have to later. And last of all, I have homework from geometry. Then I have to study for the test. Yeap yeap! So yeah.. I'll get my bum to work now. Later guys!!