Im the only one who finds my bitching amusing

May 05, 2008 20:57

ohchrist, I have to vent now about how STUPID and FUCKTARDED internet people are sometimes, because if I dont Ill explode randomly probably at a group of kindergarden kids.

Dear person :3

Like, wtf, I seriously hope you find this, and then I hope you realize how much I DESPERATELY wish for you to die of ass-cancer I swear to god. How long can you put up a show and pretend you give a fuck about anyone other than yourself? Better yet, how long before everyone else sees you for the attention-cow you are? I dont honestly think Ive ever really wanted someone to die a horrible death so much in my life, and when you whine about how you cant afford rent and how all this bad shit seems to happen to you it makes me HAPPY, and I guess that would make me a monster if you didnt fucking deserve it.

So if you get to whine about how much you hate my best friends and wish they were dead, I think I deserve that same privilege. If you get to visit our pages to monitor our every move then its fair game for me to poke around on all your websites. I hope you and all your sluts get hit by a train or something, and then a few months later no one even remembers who you were, because I know youd be thrashing in your grave if you didnt get your own parade and memorial and w/e the hell else. You can kindly back the fuck out of our lives if you hate us so much. Stop calling us out on your journal you cunt. If you think Im losing sleep every night in fear of your hoard of 12 year old fanbrats you are mistaken.

Sometimes I wish I were rich and not horribly tiny because Id love to fly over and knock out your teeth, but I guess Ill just sit here and bitch at my journal instead of starting some shit with you because I dont think I cant stand any more of your BS and drama. But seriously, get AIDs. I hope your hands just explode some day so you can never draw or look up porn or stuff food in your face, or get off at night because Im pretty sure as far as a life goes thats about it for you.

- Ryncakes

I am a hypocrite and I have no spine, but the day she sets me off, the day she even tries talking to me, Im going all out

icomplain, ibitch, iwhine

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