:c I just got buttraped by life.

Mar 12, 2008 09:37

LOLOLOL SO I GOT OFFERED AN INTERNSHIP :'D But. Its unpaid. Its for concept art designs for landscapes and buildings which I dont draw, ever. Its WAY the hell on the other side of town. And they want me to go over 3-5 times a week. Ok, I dont have the fucking gas money, especially if Im not getting paid, to do this. :I what the hell, I was all excited too, and then I just had a dildo of epic FAIL shoved up my ass. Christ. *headdesk* I know I get the WBE, but its not worth it when I have to pay $40 a week on gas. I maybe have enough money to make that last 12 weeks. But that means I cant spend it on anything else like.... like my awesome Spring break. ;A;

GAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Srsly, Ive never been more screwed over in my life. Well yeah, probably. But I really needed this, and now... e_e; At least we have the job fair tmmr. I finally put together my resume, and in turn, realized.... Ive done prettymuch nothing with my life. But I do have a lot of Digital art qualifications :c Too bad the market isnt so big for us atm. Ohwell, Ill just go and bat my lashes and show them pictures of all the pretty "girls" I draw. >>; I had to alter a buncha my art in the last few days to make it..... not sexual... and gay. 'n' Oh Zexion, forgive me for calling you a little girl.

Also. Brawl. I wish pepople would shuttup about it :I; *shotdead* Its more RL people annoying me, to be honest. Yes its awesome. Yes its the best SSB game yet/ever. Yes it has 47593748 super duper features. And its not the fact I dont have the game, really xD; I dont like VGs that much, nor do I have the time for them, so Im not in any rush to get it. I'll probably play it at tech when we have another free day and be totally in love with it, but until then, I dont care, and that seems like the only thing anyone wants to talk about anymore. But I suppose it was just as bad when KH II came out or w/e, so Ill drop it and let everyone have their fun.

Im turning into a crabby old man ' ^ ';

ryn complains too much, skool sux, wangst, baww, rant

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