i have nothing to do, cuz joanna's in school.

Apr 12, 2005 13:38

Well this is my first entry. Don't get excited I have nothing to say, but everyone seems to have one of these things lately so i thought I'd jump on the ban wagon. For anyone this might interest...... I heard something really exciting today!WILLIAM ELLIS IS IN MONCTON! My friend Joanna( aka my social life) saw him at ABU today. This might not seem that big of a deal but he moved to Massachusettes right after Christmas and I haven't seen him since. It's not even like we were that great of friends, I actually only knew him for about 3 months before he moved but he's such an amazing guy, not like anyone I've met. INSANELY halarious but I'm not even sure if he realizes the intensity of his halarity. And he's genuinly a nice guy, no hidden agenda, just nice because it's who he is. And he has great hair. Basically thats why i wanted to be his friend was the great hair. And William if u read this,and you don't call me while you are in Moncton, next time i see u i will break your face. I'm jsut kidding, everyone knows i couldnt hurt anyone even if I tried.
So i gave my self a french manicure last night. This is like a huge deal for me. I've biten my nails for like....14 years, yikes, and 3 weeks ago i stopped biting them, now i am OBSESSED with my beautiful nails...(if anyone wants a french manicure let me know, im basically amazing at it.I'm thinking about going pro with it)
Anyways im going to go back to my less than stellar afternoon of nothingness, and ill probably write more later....i can see this getting addictive....and melanie if u read this your a slu-bag for not showing up to work friday. I had big plans for us....jerk
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